Do you remember when you were a kid? Didn’t you just believe that anything was possible? Father Christmas coming down a chimney that you didn’t even have. Easter Bunny laying eggs. The tooth fairy leaving you money. Mum and Dad were just invinsible weren’t they? Didn’t you used to argue with other kids’ in School about whose Dad was better? And what did you want to be when you were a kid? An Astronaut? A Doctor? A Pilot? Do you really remember all that? Hopefully you do. Because WHEN DID YOU STOP BELIEVING THAT ANYTHING WAS POSSIBLE? Do you remember the exact moment that you settled for mediocrity and gave up on your dreams? Probably not – but you have, haven’t you? When we left School we couldn’t wait to get out those gates and watch out world here I come! We just could not wait to get out there and make our mark on the world could we? So what happened? Who were you listening to, to make you believe that you either weren’t good enough or could not achieve the things you set out to achieve when you were a kid? Kids’ just have blind faith do they not? I have a 6 year old and man he has the most awesome imagination. There is nothing he can’t fix or build or place he can travel to. It’s just amazing to watch. But somewhere along the road of life, we chose (and yes I said chose) to give up on our dreams and our ambitions and just settle for a job that we don’t like, marry the spouse that really isn’t of our dreams, buy the car everyone else is driving, the ordinary house in the ordinary suburb and the sleepwalking begins. WAKE UP!! Re-trace your steps. How did I end up here? Why did I end up here? Is this what I want? Is my life going in the direction I want it to go? These are huge questions to ask yourself, but I implore you. Find some quiet time and ask them and really wait for the answers to come. If your life does not look like the way you want it to, make a decision right now to change course. You are capable of so much more.
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