I know that many of you reading that heading will suddenly cringe, hurk, jerk, gurgle, dry reach because of the connotations it raises. Can I just ask you and pray that you will read on. This post is directed at both Network Marketers and not. This will equally be as important to those in a job as those in a business – ANY business.
Now the biggest thing I have learned in my 20 years in network marketing is that absence of training is the biggest killer of new recruits there is. I get so sad when I learn of so many awesome, amazing, incredible people who are lost to our industry simply because some pretzel got overzealous, signed them up and then moved onto the next recruit without showing their new guy what to do or at least direct them to where they can learn what to do. The stats are staggering even in small business. Did you know that in any new business start-up, over 40% fail in the first year, 80% in the first 5 years and 90% fail inside of the first 10 years? In network marketing, I would suggest those numbers relate to the first 30, 60 and 90 days and the numbers are probably higher. Sound sad and impossible? Maybe. But let’s face it, if it were easy everyone would be doing it wouldn’t they? Much easier to stay in a job you hate clocking in at 9am every day and clocking off at 5:30pm, taking lunch when the boss says, taking holidays when the boss says and making the boss rich. Yes? No? If not, why do so many do it then? Because they don’t know any other way. Simple.
Ignorance is caused by a lack of education and training. And I don’t mean of the tertiary kind. I know some pretty highly educated complete total and utter idiots out who are broke and miserable believe me. So why is this? They are unteachable. We are taught to go to school, get good grades, go onto University/College, get even better grades and then move onto a great high paying job. And there we sit. Until retirement. We’re not taught to be teachable and to keep learning. I feel this is something that should be taught in all schools. To keep learning and teach our kids financial independence and education. Not just about how to save money, but to create multiple streams of income. We live in a different world now – we no longer live in the industrial age of working 40 hours a week for 40 years of your life to retire on 40% of your income. I think Gen Y are wising up to this conclusion and opting out of that little scenario pretty fast.
Never before in history has there been such a mass exodus out of cities and into “tree” or “sea” changes and people working from home. People are educating themselves on what else is ‘out there’ than can improve their quality of living. Even for those who are totally happy in their jobs but really would like to earn more – what’s the key? Training. The boss is only going to give you more money for bringing him or her more value. What about in a small business – what is going to increase profits? Training. How so I hear you say? Well if you don’t learn about different methods of marketing (because we live in such a fast paced online dynamic society), your business will be left behind. If you don’t learn about how to effectively communicate with different sectors of your market, you won’t get your message across. If you don’t learn about how to effectively get the best results from your staff, you’ll swallow up hard earned cash. The same applies to big business – massive investment on an ongoing basis needs to be made on how to improve efficiency and how to deliver products and services that are ahead of their competition on an ongoing basis – or the doors will close in time. It all comes down to training.
Even being a parent it starts the day our kids are born. We train our babies, toddlers and children in everything we know from day one and we don’t stop teaching them do we? Even when they are adults, we still teach don’t we? My Mum still teaches me stuff all the time – probably unwarily. So what is it that takes away our thirst for knowledge? Is it trained out of us at some point? We seem to only learn what we absolutely have to, in other words if our boss says we have to learn a new computer system at work, we do it because it is a requirement. But what about learning stuff outside of work? Every single person I work with in my businesses I always encourage them to do outside reading, outside training, listen to outside CDs, watch outside DVDs than what is called “system” learning. So aside from teaching them what I do in order to be successful, I also direct them to other areas outside of my business. In most cases it is personal development based learning. To me, if your mind is not in the right place, the things you want to create in life will be substantially more challenging than if you are in a positive mindset most of the time. Learning how to control your mind is one of the single most important things you can learn to do and I guess that is why I love network marketing for as long as I have. It is personal development disguised as a business – it something encouraged, recommended and taught by pretty much every single network marketing company I know of. But the same can be applied to anyone in any work situation – whether you are an employee, middle or upper level manager, self-employed or other small business owner or someone at the top of the business tree.
Here’s your challenge – start learning more than you have to and become addicted to it. Learn about investing. Learn about multiple streams of income. Learn about personal development and the power of your mind. Learn about how design the life you really want. Because you can. But your boss won’t want you learning that.
Love to hear your comments.
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