There is still a lot of cynicism when it comes to improving one’s self, either physically or mentally or spiritually. People seem to mistake it for people who are having some kind of breakdown and it’s a form of therapy to ‘get them through it’. I’m intrigued as to why so many people seem to be so very against improving the expanding of our minds. It’s something I have certainly studied for many years alongside my study of personal development.
It would be incredibly arrogant of me to summarize as to why people appear to be so seemingly afraid of examining their thoughts a lot closer. I loved what Dr Fred Alan Wolf said in “The Secret” about the new era of the mind – and this is coming from a Quantum Physicist! Must be some degree of truth in it I guess. I liken not being aware of our thoughts to being half way dead. And I know that so many are caught up on the treadmill of life – getting up, going to work, coming home, having dinner with the family, having a shower, watching tv, going to bed and getting up the next day and doing it all over again. As though on Autopilot. Is that not akin to being zombie-like or in a coma? I believe so. And I apologize to anyone who is offended by that comment.
When a person can truly come into the understanding that they are in control of their lives, they can create their own lives as they want it – I personally feel that there can be no greater degree of consciousness than that. We are all born the same. We are all born with the same degree of possibility within each of us. So what is it exactly that allows some people to create true and enduring change in the world and others to be stuck in a cubicle for 40 years of their lives? Well I’m not going to answer that question in this particular article. But what I will say is that both of those people have the exact same opportunities available to them – irrespective of their upbringing, environment, peers, employer, race, religion – whatever!
There are far too many examples that I could go into here on how the power of the mind has raised people from the depths of despair and challenge in their lives. If you want a fabulous example, read @JanineShepherd book “Never Tell Me Never”. From a broken back and told she would never walk nor conceive to being an inspiring international speaker with 3 children. No excuses. There are multitudes of similar stories to that of Janine.
One of my all time favourite quotes is from Henry Ford – “Whether you believe you can or you can’t, either way, you are right.” This is so incredibly poignant and so true. Everything starts with how you think. Everything. If you believe that your financial situation is hopeless, then you’re right. But I can guarantee that someone is worse off than you financially who is not complaining. If you think your health situation is out of your control, there are countless examples of people who have overcome cancer or seemingly totally hopeless health challenges and have healed themselves. It is possible to heal yourself. You have an immune system and guess what that responds to? Yep – your thoughts. Why? Because your mind is a cellular thing. Try it for yourself – you can quite literally make yourself sick and if you can do that, you can make yourself well too. Any situation is only as hopeless as you believe it to be. What you perceive as hopeless, someone else might look at as opportunity. Interesting isn’t it?
So my challenge to you today is to really sit down and not monitor but just be aware of your thoughts and really realize that you can change them if you want to. And when you can start to change your thoughts to focus on the things you really do want to see in your reality, miracles will start to happen and the more miracles happen, the more you’ll believe you can create them. Because you can. Start now. What could possibly be more important than that?
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