Balance I feel is so important in all aspects of life.  Not just from a business perspective, but equally in personal life as well.  And obviously the both are inextricably linked.  There isn’t going to be much personal satisfaction if most of your time is filled with work.  And likewise, if there is no career satisfaction, then the positive flow on effect to other areas of your personal life just won’t be there.

One factor I have found to be essential in life balance in general in the attainment of humour.  On a daily basis.  It’s not always easy to find something to laugh about on your own – particularly when the day may not necessarily be going the way you want it to.  And let’s face it – we’re human – we all have ‘those’ days right?  I feel it’s important to find something humorous each and every day outside of yourself.

The easiest and most cost effective way to achieve this is via television.  And I am loathe to say that because, let’s be honest, there isn’t exactly a lot going on, on the good old tv these days to benefit us wholly is there?  And nothing saps up more time than that little box.  There are, however, always a selection of comedy shows on – no matter what your taste.  From “The Simpsons” to “Big Bang Theory” to “Malcolm In The Middle” to “Seinfeld” to “Mash” – there is plenty of choose from.  It’s not necessarily important what you choose, but that you choose.  Find something that will make you heartily laugh.  It could also be a good book, a comic, a DVD or movie you have at home or maybe there’s a comedy revue somewhere close to where you live that plays regularly.  But have a really good abdominal laugh.

Laughing not only makes you feel good – it’s good for you.  Here’s what researchers have discovered about the benefits of laughter:  Laughter strengthens the body’s ability to fight disease by producing and releasing a bacteria called S-IgA which is a known virus fighter; laughter naturally lowers cortisol levels, generally associated with those who have higher stress levels; people who can laugh at their own mistakes have been found to have the smallest increases in bloody pressure as opposed to those who didn’t use humour at all; laughter is a natural energy booster; when we laugh we tend to talk more, make more eye contact and do more things that connect us with others and laughing 100 times has the same effect on the body as being on a rowing machine for 10 minutes or an exercise bike for 15 minutes.  And this has all been scientifically proven!  Hard to ignore don’t you think?  I mean, let’s face it, it’s pretty difficult to remain feeling tense, angry or anxious when you’re laughing isn’t it?

For me personally, I don’t think anything can really successfully lift you out of a bad day then a really good laugh.  I find sometimes after a particularly difficult day, I really enjoy comedies that don’t require a lot of contemplation.  Just really, really silly stuff.  It gives your mind a real break and just plain feels good!

Give it a go – incorporate it into your daily routine/schedule/method of operation – whatever you want to call it.  But do it daily.  If you have to schedule time for it, then do that.  If you live with someone who is naturally hilarious (as I do), you have a true gift in front of you and utilize it.  Because mental and spiritual balance is really where everything starts and the flow on effects I know you will notice.  Send me your experiences with this – I’d love to hear what works for you.

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