Do you know people that are wealthy? Now remember back to the blog post I wrote last week about what wealth really means – so to jog your memory, it’s not all about the accumulation of cash and assets. My guess is that you know plenty of wealthy people. You know the types – right place, right time, everything seems to go well for them, they seem to have all the luck in the world or there’s some reason, like an inheritance for example, as to why they seem so damn happy all the time. Perhaps there’s no reason at all – they are just plain happy. So what is it exactly?
If you really do believe that wealth is for the lucky, gifted and is a fluke then I am guessing you are not experiencing the wealth that you truly deserve. So where does it start then? Now here’s a HUGE secret that I could be charging you my hourly rate to disclose but I am just busting to share it with you now – it’s all about how you think. That’s where it starts. When you start just BEING happy, seemingly ‘fluky’ things start happening in your life. I’m not kidding here. This is science and can be proven.
Every thought you have has a frequency, so if you are continually sending out negative ‘vibes’, guess what will keep appearing in your life? More negative stuff. You’ve seen this with some people – right? The ones you know who just constantly complain and you ask them how they are and their life is just crap all the time. It’s crap because of their attitude towards it. There’s no “out there” and “in here”. Life responds to how you think and more importantly feel about it.
If you constantly stress about lack of money, guess what? You’ll continue to have a lack of money. If you worry about your kids, they will become worrisome to you. Anxious about the next bill that comes in? It will be a bill probably worth being anxious about (although I tend to find that a lot of what I worry about never really comes about, but then again it’s my predominant attitude that takes care of that).
So just to recap, true and enduring wealth is not about the size of your bank balance. It’s more about balance in your life in general. Yes, money and prosperity is part of the pie, but there are many other things to consider. Things like relationships, health and wellness, fun, career, personal growth and making a difference in the world. Believe me, there probably isn’t too many of us that have all of those in equal and proportional balance. I certainly don’t! But what is most important is how you think and feel about those elements of your life. If you feel pretty good about each of those areas, guess what? You are absolutely wealthy. And other people will feel that about you.
This is a fundamental Law of Attraction principle. And when you can truly understand it and begin to apply it in your life, you will begin to see amazing miracles just unfold in front of your eyes that you simply will not believe. A simple shift in your attitude is all it takes for life to be phenomenal for you. And you really will start feeling lucky. Sound ridiculously easy? It is. And it isn’t. It will take some work on your part, but the rewards will be worth it.
Try it for at least a day. Find the positive in everything for a day. Feel good about your life for that day. Let me know your results. Would love to hear about it.
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