Just as with the Law of Attraction, your mind and your predominant vibration, it’s important to also check in with yourself on your progress – what have been the results from your activity, your thoughts and belief system. If the results don’t quite stack up to what you had set out for yourself, it’s time to look closer and make some fine tuning changes to one of three things – your activities, your mindset and your overall philosophy. You either need to re-think the philosophies that rule your decisions, your mindset requires more inward reflection and your skill set may need an overhaul.
You see it’s your overall philosophy to life in general, your attitude to it and your activity that will create results – whether you like those results or not.
Jim Rohn says “ … life expects you to make measurable progress in reasonable time.” That is why the seats in early Primary School are so small – you’re not expected to stay there for very long. Society kind of expects you to make measurable progress in measurable time. So one year equals one level of school. It’s not exactly very practical to be checking in with people every 5 minutes. And that is why we as Coaches generally have our sessions with clients once a week – enough to give them time to implement new ideas and see some kind of outcome to those ideas.
Similarly, it would be ridiculous to wait several weeks’ in between sessions – that’s too long. And people have a tendency to procrastinate on something that is too far into the future. So here’s 6 significant milestones on which to check in on your progress:
- Daily. Look at what worked and what didn’t. Make sure you don’t wrap up a day until you are satisfied you did everything you could in that day. Don’t leave stuff until the next day that could reasonably done today. Be efficient. Be effective. And anything negative, bury it and start fresh the next day.
- Weekly. Make sure you compare your activity to your productivity. Shuffling paper from one desk to another doesn’t equate productivity but could be considered activity. It’s essential that your activity be productive – whatever that means to you in alignment with whatever your goals are. They may not necessarily be financial, for example, I want to get 500 people into my Facebook group this week. Well chatting with your friends on Facebook won’t achieve that, so mind your activity.
- Monthly. This is the best time to take stock of your goals that you set for the month. Did the plan pan out for you? Keep statistics and see what went wrong and you will see why – it will become obvious. This way, you can eliminate stuff that wasn’t working and focus more of your time, energy and resources on what does.
- Quarterly. This is a great time to also check in with your goals. Are you on track? If not, why not? Again, what is working and what isn’t? Is it time to re-assess the importance of certain goals.
- Bi-Yearly. This is a time of tweaking. Do the same as your quarterly check, however dig deeper. What is still relevant and important to you and what can be changed?
- Yearly. This is the most important I would argue. This is when you go back and reflect on all of the above, celebrate your successes, consider your failures and what the learning was and plan for the next year. I always find this the most fun.
Jim Rohn also says that the best forming of accounting is the accounting you make of yourself. And I could not agree more. You are a Creator, you create your own life the way you want it. You are in complete control. Not your boss. Not your spouse. Not your boss. Plan your life like you would plan a holiday, stick to that plan and believe me, miracles will begin to unfold in your life like you would not believe. It will seem like a fairytale – I promise you that. Just make sure your plans and goals are taking you to where you want to go. It’s never too late for a course correction.
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Love the post Fiona! The 6 milestones are really great 🙂 It’s given me something to think about!
Thanks Alex! Glad you got some value. Hope you’ll keep reading.