I heard this expression quite some time ago and initially I was probably as confused about it as you are now.  The same could be said for demotivation, that equally demotivates.  Now the Law of Attraction does state that you attract who you are and it is true.  And in the Universe any scientist will tell you (as will any Theologian, Law of Attraction Practitioner, spiritual teacher etc), that there exists ying and yang – equal opposites.  Just as there is the Law of Attraction, there is the Law of Polarity which simply put means exactly that – everything has an equal opposite.  However, I encourage you to think about this from a different perspective.  In yesterday’s blog post I discussed the idea of action versus words.  The very notion that it is necessary to tell everyone how clever you are to me negates the very essence of the Law of Attraction.  If all you do is operate from ego, what do you think you will end up attracting?  Particularly if you have an MLM/Network Marketing business?  You got it – you’ll attract other people full of ego.  And truthfully it doesn’t serve people.  We have put on this earth to serve – not only ourselves, but others.  At the end of the day, if you want to see peace, be peace.  If you want to see happiness, be that.  And here’s my point.  Your point of attraction is what you will see in your life.  So yes, there needs to exist opposites – think of it this way, how would you know what peace looked like if there was never any war?  However, when talking about motivation in particular, if that is what you wish to see in your life and reality, you have to be that motivation.  It’s how the Law of Attraction works.  Think of yourself as a magnet – you can only attract to you what and who you are.  And believe it or not we are all born perfect.  We just learn certain untruths along the way which distract us from the very essence of who we really are and what we are here to do.  So in terms of the title of this blog post – “what motivates, motivates” – simply be motivation and you will start a daisy chain of motivation and positivity and I feel that we as the human race have a huge responsibility in keep it going.  Just be aware, however, that the Law of Polarity exists and there needs to be an allowing of that.  For example, to experience pure happiness, there must be an experience of pure sadness.  We couldn’t possibly understand one without the other.  However in our own experience, we get what we focus on and what our predominant vibration is.  If you are predominantly annoyed, then you will always be that way because you will attract people and circumstances that keep you in that state.  So if you wish to see more motivation in your life, be that.  Just be.  I challenge you for the next 30 days, be motivation or in fact whatever positive assertion you would to see more of in your life.  Be that as much as you possibly can for the next 30 days and share with everyone here how that affected you and your life.  I can pretty much guarantee that miracles would appear.  Have fun with it too.  That is what life is meant for.


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