I think I’m caught on the idea of sharing quick tips at the moment, and here’s another one. So many people think that failure is bad. We are trained to believe that from a very young age. Success = good. Failure = bad. Well it all depends on how you perceive that. You see I look at failure as feedback. Okay, so something didn’t work. Well you can choose to have a temper tantrum like a two year old or you can choose to take something away from the experience, hopefully learn from it, then course correct. Essentially, it’s up to you. So here we go:

  1. Successful people are consistently active.
  2. Resolve to take action which ignites the mind to think of ways to accomplish a goal.
  3. Meet problems as they arise. Not ahead of time.
  4. Ideas are the basis of creation and improvement.
  5. Action cures fear.
  6. Salvage something from every setback.
  7. Defeat is only a state of mind.
  8. Choose to see the positive side of every situation.
  9. Believe that solutions are possible.
  10. Persistence is a main ingredient of victory

I hope this goes part of the way to assisting you to see that failure is only a state of mind, a perception, an idea. And according to the Law of Attraction – you get what you predominantly feel. So if you feel like a failure, then you’ll walk like a failure, talk like a failure and hang out with other failures and compare notes. Meaning you will attract more of it into your reality. Take on these principles and change your belief about what failure really is and start seeing some changes. Have fun and feel free to share your experiences with this.

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