Have you ever reached a point in your life where you had to choose between your family and career? “Will I have the time to spend with my children? Will I be able to achieve my personal goals? Will I be able to sustain the income I was accustomed to?”
Whether it’s working full time or becoming a stay-at home parent, these questions often put us in a position of sacrificing a crucial part in our lives. As someone who came to starting a family, Alison & Paul Wheeler share their take on achieving their personal as well as financial goals.
Previously, Alison enjoyed a successful career as a self-employed occupational therapist. Despite the well paid and respected role, the high stress and lack of flexibility played a significant role in her life as she was starting a family. And after the birth of her daughter, she decided she no longer wanted to pursue her career path to be a present mother.
“We needed to replace two incomes. I had a six figure income and Paul had a decent income as a tradesmen as well, so we had two incomes to replace in a hurry. If we had treated it like a hobby – you know the saying ‘where focus goes energy flows’ – we knew we had to change our priorities.” – Alison Wheeler
Through getting in tune with their goals and dreams, Paul and Alison eventually stumbled across Prosperity Of Life. From both being in traditional business backgrounds to becoming online entrepreneurs, they shared their wins since getting started with Prosperity Of Life.
“The business has afforded us an amazing lifestyle. Our best month has been $150,000 in a single month. And with the lifestyle this business has afforded us – the business has rubbed off on Jasmine. She is a well rounded and worldly individual. As a 10 year old, she wouldn’t have had that insight without the experience – the traveling, the working from home, the entrepreneurial mind.” – Alison Wheeler
“There’s the saying ‘your traveling days are over once you have kids’ – but we’ve done more traveling with Jasmine that we ever have before. If we were both working a job – she would’ve been in before school and after school care. We wouldn’t see her. And she would see that as the future, as the reality.” – Paul Wheeler
As we further talked about getting started with Prosperity Of Life, and how not only have they had a lifestyle overall, but more importantly how they live their life to the fullest each and every day.
“We have more freedom than we ever had before. We’ve done things we’ve never done. On the front end, we have a powerful vehicle to create the big financial results but we also have the education on how to use the vehicle and finances to sustain the lifestyle of freedom and flexibility.” – Alison Wheeler
Now referring back to the question of choosing between your family and career, Alison and Paul truly demonstrate not only the possibility of having both, but their everyday reality of being present parents while achieving their personal and financial goals.
(Article courtesy of Prosperity Of Life Insider www.prosperityoflifeinsider.com )