Firstly, what exactly is posture? Positive posture is all about power and control and energy when talking to a prospect about your business and/or products. I think it was Dani Johnson a few years’ back mentioning something about if you have the posture of a worm, you’ll build a team of worms. And no-one wants that. We all want to build a team of strong, independent, motivated, positive, can-do people who will duplicate us. At the end of the day, we attract not only who we are being – we ultimately attract who we are.
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Now there’s a bit of a fallacy in the world of network marketing that the top income earners somehow have better quality leads, do something different to everyone else, have it easier – fill in the blank. Well that is not the case. I’ve personally listened to number 1 and 2 income earners in my company prospecting live and they get challenged by people just like the rest of us. The difference really is in their posture and how they hold the space. Let’s fact it, prospects can sometimes throw us real curve balls, can’t they? Some want to know every little detail before they look at a presentation, some have multitudes of questions that seem endless, some clearly have an ego problem and some are just downright negative. Without getting carried away here, the reality is – everyone gets these types of prospects at some point in time. It’s just part of doing business. If you already run a business in a different field, then I’m sure you’ll agree. There are just some difficult and unhappy people out there. Jim Rohn used to say there are only about 6 of them, but sometimes they do the rounds!
How we manage ourselves in those moments will determine what happens next in the conversation. When someone is negative and/or drilling us with questions, it’s easy to become flustered and our thinking then judgement becomes clouded. It’s in those moments that we need to take a breath, collect ourselves and really hold your space. The key thing to remember is that you are the CEO of your own enterprise. That is precisely how you need to be treating your business (as much as I dislike using the word need – but in this case I think it fits). Do you seriously believe that Bill Gates’ and Steve Jobs’ successes were just thrust on them? Of course not! They made hundreds of phone calls and knocked on just as many doors and received just as many knock backs. But they kept going because they believed in what they were doing and their resolve and posture were rock solid. And the result – well it speaks for itself doesn’t it? They certainly didn’t allow some guy who worked 9 – 5 in a job that he hates, sitting at home watching TV every night burst their dreams and vision. They kept going until. Until what? Well I’ll let you answer that.
Positive posture is all about maintaining your control. You’re not here to sell anything. You’re not here to beg someone to join. You’re not here to convince anyone that they need this (even though most people probably do, but that is beside the point). You are unflappable. You don’t allow anything anyone says to rattle your cage. You know you have the deal and let’s face it – what better has your prospect got going on in any case? Probably nothing. And if they are negative – why on earth would you want them in your business??? Remember, you are going to be the one working with them, going to events with them, representing the company you love to the world. Always keep that in mind. I think Jim Rohn also said make up for in numbers what you lack in skill. Next people as quickly as possible. A bit like shucking mussels – you have to shuck a lot to find a pearl. You have to dig a lot of coal to find that diamond. We are absolutely no different. But I digress …
Do whatever you need to do in order to get yourself into the mindset of a CEO. Listen to music, dance around the room – whatever it is that gets you pumped up – do it before you get on the phone to prospects. Sometimes it’s your positive energy that they really need to feel. You might be the reason they decide to make a change. You might be the only positive person they know! You just never know. I was listening to call this morning and the prospect’s energy was pretty awful at the beginning of the call. By the end of the call, his energy has shifted substantially away from “I don’t have much time – make it quick” to “I’m looking forward to looking at the information”. Energy is EVERYTHING!
Next time you are prospecting, really observe the people you are talking to. Are they mostly positive? If so, awesome – you are attracting correctly. If not, really look inside and observe what your predominant energy is. If you allow people to get to you, you won’t stay in business for long, so believe me, find a way to get yourself into that positive vibration and begin attracting the right people into your sphere. Of course, not everyone you have a great conversation with will partner with you. That’s life. But instead of being afraid and allowing the prospect to control the conversation, you’ll be in the driver’s seat and people will absolutely want to follow you. Have fun, make it fun, be fun and you will attract all kinds of amazing and fun people to you. Give it a go today!
Fiona, thank you for the great information.
I will share it with my readers.
Thanks so much Neora! Really appreciate you. Happy new roaring twenties!