We all know that clearing away the clutter is a good thing. Not just the physical act of doing it, but more the psychological. I don’t want to focus on the clearing of clutter here (I wrote about this in a previous blog post), instead I want to focus on the making room concept and how doing this can start to attract the things you want to you faster.
Right now I am in the process of selling a car. Now not just any car – it’s been my pride and joy for over 20 years’. She’s unfinished and a bit rough around the edges, but I have loved her. She’s a 1976 Holden Torana SS hatchback. For those of you reading this here in Australia you will know it is now a very highly desirable ‘muscle’ car demanding very high price tags. Now to be clear, I am not selling it purely for the money. It’s a symbol of letting go of the old, detaching myself so I can allow the new life that I am creating to come in to my reality. You see the Universe abhors a vacuum.
It’s that old adage – a cluttered room means a cluttered mind. And just the same what does an empty room mean? When you look around and see a lot of ‘stuff’, your mind automatically starts racing. What is that? How am I going to get through all of those piles of stuff? When am I going to get the time? How did that happen? And ultimately, it’s all a distraction. All of it. Because do any of those thoughts align with your purpose and your vision to create? I would go so far as to say, absolutely not. So they are not positive nor productive thoughts. They are negative and filling your mind with needless and senseless junk. Remember your mind is not that dissimilar to what you eat – junk in, junk out. So choose wisely.
Personally, I absolutely LOVE a clean out. Whether that be paperwork, clothes, shed, my desk, my handbag – anything. The feeling I have after I have completed the task is total serenity, peacefulness, total satisfaction and a real sense of a weight being lifted. Go ahead and try it and experience it for yourself. I must say moving house kind of started this process and I continue it on a regular basis and also encourage my 5 year old and 14 year old to do the same. They are learning that with little clutter, they can actually find the toys and books etc that they want when they want it. Powerful lesson. I also always go through my In Trays once a week and get rid of paperwork out of it. I no longer keep a filing tray – I file paperwork away once I am finished with it. I deal with mail as soon as it arrives. I tolerated piles around the house for so long, but no more! And boy has my thinking changed, not to mention my focus. I can now comfortably focus on what needs to be done daily instead of staring at piles of things to do with guilt wondering when I’m going to find the time to get to them and then – even worse still – combating them then and there taking me away from what I really need to be doing. It becomes a vicious cycle until the habit can be broken.
So I challenge you. When you check your mailbox, deal with the paperwork that is generated there and then. Make the call, send the e-mail – do whatever needs to be done and then recycle it or file it. Immediately. Don’t let anything build up. If you have a stack of boxes that have been sitting in your shed for years’ and it’s bothering you – just start small. Start with one box at a time and make four piles – one for the bin, one for the Op Shop, one for selling and one to keep. Keeps things nice and simple. Avoid having an enormous amount of stuff on your desk. Aside from the fact it’s not healthy to have dust building up on all sorts of nic nacks, just keep things on your desk that you need to use regularly and will support you in what you are doing. I keep a picture of hubby, tubes of stationery, tissues and a few other things I enjoy looking at that keep me calm and relaxed and that is it. Go through your wardrobe and make the four piles that I suggested a moment ago. You could potentially make a buck and by doing so, you are making room for all of the beautiful clothes that are to come. Go through your pantry and ditch the food you don’t eat or won’t eat. By doing all of this, you create space for what you want to come. You would be surprised at what you will start attracting by getting rid of the old in order to make way for the new. Give it a go and let me know how it works out for you.