We’ve all been there. We speak to someone on the phone who sounds like the absolute perfect team member. They say all the right things – like they have been reading our mind! We make a lovely connection with them and share so much in common. Then they don’t turn up for the follow up call and never reply to our e-mails, texts or phone calls. It happens. Or someone tells us they love it and just need a few days’ to get their money together – and tell you this continually for the next 3 months’. “Yep Fiona I’m just waiting for my tax refund.” “Oh Fiona you wouldn’t believe it but my car broke down last week so I had to use that money.” And on and on. We’ve all heard this stuff. And you know what – we ALL have. But what is the most important thing to consider is who you are being when this happens because that is what will direct your results.

A few months’ ago I had this lovely lady who e-mailed me almost daily. She loved the presentation so much. She jumped on all of the company’s generic training calls, followed my and my Page and even jumped out on some of the calls’. To me, it was a homerun – she was getting started, just getting her money together. Then one day a few weeks’ ago, she e-mails me trying to recruit me into another opportunity. Now I could have been completely horrified and upset and angry and frustrated and confused and called her up offended. But what would that have achieved? I chose to ignore it and focus on all of the leads I had to call that day. Simple as that. Activity will trump circumstances every single time.

Conversely if I had no-one else to talk to that day, then yes I could have easily ended up going down a rabbit hole of negativity that would have taken me a while to dig out of. Remembering that thinking only ever makes something so, my biggest weapon on disciplining my disappointments is personal development. I make sure I am doing at least 2 – 3 hours’ of it daily to keep my vibration as high as I can get it. That way, if I hit a snag – which I always do, it’s called life – it doesn’t stop me or even slow me down. I simply roll with it and keep rolling.

Now I know that this sounds ridiculously simplistic – and it is. But it’s true and it works. If you are focussing purely on the people who aren’t getting started with you, it’s ONLY because you don’t have enough leads to talk to in order to shift your focus away from who isn’t getting started to those who potentially will. From a Law of Attraction standpoint, if you keep your focus there, you will continually attract those to you who disappoint you. What you need to learn to do is focus on those beautiful team members who are coming your way, what you are working to achieving (your goals) and do not for a single moment take your gaze away from those two things. You will be quite literally amazed at how fast the very things you are focussed on will come to you – believe me.

So start today. Start focussing on generating as many leads as possible each and every single day, work on personal development for at least an hour – best more – every single day and watch the magic happen. Your main job in prospecting and recruiting is sifting like flour – all you are doing is putting the flour in the sieve (your system) and watching the flour come out the bottom into the bowl (your team). It really is as simple as that. Do you concern yourself with what bits of flour have got themselves stuck in the sieve? Of course not – you are more focussed with the flour that is left in the bowl for you to actually make something out of. So go do that. Start sifting that flour. Best thing is to forget people’s names and stories. Yes you will have wonderful conversations with people every once in a while. But forget about it. Focus on the process and allow the process to do the work for you. Because it will. I make it into a game – how many can I put in front of information today. Can I put more through today than yesterday. I know it sounds a bit cold as you are fundamentally treating people as numbers, but that is how it has to be. So have fun with it. Come up with your own game for the process. And let me know how you go with it. Love to hear.