You may or may not have heard this term. If you’ve been around in Network Marketing for a while, you will have most definitely heard of it. So what is it exactly and why is it essential for success? It is something every top income earner in your company (and in fact in any industry irrespective of what it is), the top earners all use a Daily Method of Operation. So, here’s the secret sauce …
Let’s define exactly what it is first of all. A Daily Method Of Operation (or DMO as it’s commonly known as) is a framework of daily activities. It’s not a schedule per se – it’s more like a focus purely on the activities that you do each and every day. And this is irrespective of whether they are business or personal. And it is what those activities are that will direct how you are spending your time, how purposeful they are, what precisely you are doing, with whom and why that will dictate your results.
Simon Chan (aka MLM Nation fame), even goes so far as to say “mandatory things you must do in order to be successful”. Remember, success leaves clues. He goes on to say that sticking to a DMO supports you in staying focussed, allows you to be more productive creates consistency, prevents overwhelm and fosters duplication. Who doesn’t want all of that??? You can check out his precise DMO here: https://mlmnation.com/mlm-dmo-network-marketing-dmo-970/ I think it gives a pretty clear pathway on the activities that deliver momentum in your business. Love that!!
In my particular company, they insist on the 6 daily steps to success being:
- Income producing activities;
- Visualisation and meditation;
- Personal development;
- Mastermind with leaders;
- Cultivating an expectation of leadership;
- Gratitude.
I could probably end this post there, but there are a few other things you absolutely need to be doing daily to round it out. It’s important to really focus inward daily as well. Needless to say Network Marketing is a rollercoaster of challenges and opportunities and personally I love waking up every day not knowing what I’m going to get! Keeps me guessing and keeps things fresh and exciting. If your days are predictable, you are not operating outside of your comfort zone and that is where the magic happens. ? My point here is to take some time daily for yourself. I walk my dogs around my property twice daily for that bit of fresh air and opportunity to clear my mind and frequently the questions I have for God/Universe/Spirit (whatever you want to call it) get answers quite easily and effortlessly. I also read and listen and watch personal development daily. And yes, I read, listen and watch so I’m reading a book, listening to an audio book, watching NLP training videos and am on my company’s daily Zoom training calls and follow their personal development system. Feed your mind – it’s all about who you are being that will directly impact your results. Every time.
Lastly, and equally as important as feeding your mind is feeding your body. Correct nutrition with a good balance of protein, carbs, fruit, veggies etc, drinking plenty of fresh clean water, adequate supplementation and a minimum of 30 minutes’ of appropriate exercise daily. Now I’m an athlete and work out on average for about 90 minutes’ daily so I don’t obviously suggest you go at it that hard. But definitely get out there and move. It is not only good for your body, it’s a perfect depression and negative thinking buster and really supports your personal development journey. Again, talk to any of your company’s income earners around this.
Every evening I plan out my next day. There are some variables that don’t change such as exercise, eating, time with my kids’/family, my morning routine that never changes that I spend the first 2 hours’ of my day doing and my evening routine is similar for the last hour of my day, business activities relating to marketing, training and speaking with prospects and team members, playing the piano, time with my dogs, posting on social media and of course sleeping and personal hygiene (clearly). Don’t hesitate to reach out to those you admire (upline or not) and find out what they do.
Hopefully I’ve given you a few ideas to construct a daily method of operation that works best for you and those around you that will allow maximum productivity together with a good balance of healthy lifestyle. After all, isn’t that what attracted us all to this industry to begin with? Have fun with this but make it your home play activity to test out what will work best to maximise your day.