Well that’s a wrap! Goodbye 2020 and hello 2021. I wouldn’t say that this year has been the most challenging or difficult year of my life, but it’s been up there. In reflection, however I would attribute this year to my biggest year ever of personal growth. It’s certainly been a time of looking within (as to a large degree we were forced to with the hard lockdowns) and reflecting on what has worked with our lives and what hasn’t and it’s certainly allowed us the time and opportunity to make some changes. For that, I’ve been grateful. I’ve made some massive changes this year to moving my office outside of my Homestead, carried out some rather significant renovations in my home (almost completed room number 4 – 19 to go) and making the tough decision to move my oldest son from mainstream education and into a ‘special’ school. But I’m embracing all of it and moving into 2021 with gusto in knowing that I have positioned myself in an industry that has absolutely flourished during these uncertain times we have found ourselves in. The next few days’ for me is going to be a time of renewal and preparation so I thought I would share what I’ll be up to with a view to hopefully inspiring you to also do some deep retrospection and preparation and planning for a year that will be all about recovery and rebuilding.
- Continuing on with renovating and finishing 3 rooms and moving both my son’s to their new bedrooms and completing setting up their lounge and game room;
- Writing 6 days’ of content for my brand new online course which will be launching in April next year;
- Writing out my monthly goals for the year on A5 sheets of paper – one page for a month and placing the current month on my vision board and then writing it all down twice a day every day;
- Review my vision boards – removing what I’ve already achieved and putting pictures of what I intend on achieving next year;
- Keeping fit by playing tennis and Pilates;
- Playing piano and practising in time for my next lesson next Wednesday;
- Finishing reading my current book and starting the next one;
- Filling out my new planner and writing up my new calendar for next year so I am able to maintain consistency to my DMO;
- Have 3 Saunas;
- Have a bath;
- Go bike riding with my boys’ and take them out for lunch;
- Date night with my hubby;
- Walk in nature this Sunday;
- Wash dogs and make appointment to take them for their annual Vet check;
- Update my e-books and write a few new ones to upload to my website;
- Launch my new look website next week – on track;
- Get a massage Saturday morning.
Sounds like a lot, right? Well I have it all planned to an absolute tee and I can’t even begin to tell you how satisfying and fulfilling it feels when I get it all done. And I will as I have the support of my family to do so. And that’s that. Have a wonderful New Year’s Eve celebrations wherever in the world you may be reading this from and I absolutely could not be more excited for 2021. Blessings.