No question about it – it’s unprecedented times (unless of course you are over 100 years of age and lived through many wars and the Great Depression). Extraordinary measures are being taken by our Governments to keep us all safe which I am personally incredibly grateful for. And it’s this attitude that is going to get us through this. And we will get through it. Together.
Firstly, let me be clear – I am in no way downplaying this situation. It is definitely serious and we all need to heed the guidance of our own local authorities and follow the directives. They are in place to protect as many people as possible – not just those of us at greater risk, but to keep everyone well and out of the hospital systems so they are better equipped to cope with the influx of new patients diagnosed with COVID-19. We all need to do our bit – we are all in this together.
Secondly, stay informed but not overwhelmed. It’s so very easy to get caught up in the inundation from our respective media outlets – particularly Facebook. There are a LOT of people making things mean a lot of things which are not always entirely accurate nor factual. ONLY take the advice of your local authorities and not the opinions of people on Facebook. It only seeks to create more confusion and panic and people are turning on each other as a result. Be a beacon of peace and community amongst the chaos.
Thirdly, understand and be grateful and believe that our health authorities have our best interests in hand and exist to protect us. Let them do their jobs. They don’t exist to make us sick, have us living in fear and forcing us to run around panic buying. That is NOT what they are trying to achieve here. Their main job is to stem the spread of this virus. How wonderful we live in a country here in Australia that are taking all of these measures – I feel like they have my back.
Fourthly, this is the absolute best time to promote our solution. Now is the time to double down on your marketing, start contacting leads you weren’t previously able to get hold of. Most people are now living very, very different lives to the ones they were living only a few short weeks’ ago. Many are now out of a job. Many are working from home. Many are welcoming our calls and are not quite so busy meaning more people are answering their phones and happy to connect with someone outside of their homes. This is a time for getting in front of as many people are you possibly can. More people have more time and more money and considering alternatives. You want to be the one ready to be there to present your solution. Don’t be a part of the problem (leave that to the Governments), be the solution. Now is the perfect time to be mindful of all the things you previously put aside owing to lack of time. Same for everyone else. I personally painted a feature wall in my new office – something I had been putting off for a long time and it felt awesome to get it done and see the finished product.
Lastly, take care of one another. It’s been so sad to see so many turning on each other. Everyone is doing the best they can with the information they have. Obviously if someone is acting recklessly and putting people’s lives in danger, then absolutely take the appropriate measures. But go easy. Be kind. Every cloud has a silver lining. We will all get through this. Together. I firmly believe our industry will emerge from this crisis stronger than ever before. I’m grateful for so much more right now. Being able to spend more quality time with my kids’. For being able to work from home. For not having to be reliant on a job or a single source of income. For living somewhere so beautiful that working here daily is a blessing. For being able to empower so many people right now. For supporting my existing clients. For the beautiful acts of so many people in supporting others. There is so very much to be grateful for right now. We have more choices now than ever before in history. We are all so lucky to have computers and the internet – our Grandparents’ never had even close to the amount of information and opportunity that are now available to us. What a truly exciting time we live in. How wonderful we have Governments able to take the measures they are currently taking to protect us all and able to outflow information to us daily to continue to keep us safe. I could not be more grateful right now. And when you can truly get into that vibration, watch the miracles unfold. They are there – you just need to put your attention on them.
This could prove to be the best or worst next few months’ of our lives. It’s doubtful we will see this again in our lifetimes – a lot of lessons will be learned from this and an abundance of changes will be made moving forward. Sacrifices are being made and will continue to be made and we all need to be resilient. At the end of the day, it’s your choice to believe that you are at complete cause of how you experience your life – or are you at its effect. It’s up to you. How will you be remembered during this crisis? The one who spread panic or the one who helped many to get started in their own home based business and actually support families, livelihoods and the economy. I’ll leave that up to you.