Now I’m sure this is painfully obvious to most, but to some who are left to fend for themselves after signing that form, it probably isn’t. So what are the absolute must do’s in your business daily to bring about the results you want? Here’s my top 10.
- Income producing activity – you absolutely must be reaching out to people daily, creating conversations whereby you can ask the prospecting question, sending out presentations to those who have agreed to receive information and following up with those prospects and completing a 3-way call with another Leader in your company to answer their questions.
- Finding where your ideal prospects hang out and friend them. What is your niche? Or your target market? Are you looking for fitness trainers? Naturopaths? Travel junkies? Stay at home Mums? Whoever you are looking to recruit into your business or market your products/services to, you need to know where they are so you can start to create relationships with them. Use the search bar in both Facebook and Linked In to your advantage and start making connections.
- Publish high quality content. I recommend going Live from your personal profile once or twice a week. NO MORE THAN THAT. That will be enough for the FB algorithm to start sending more people to watch your Lives. Every day publish one to two posts on your personal profile – can be a lifestyle post, a motivational quote, an engagement post asking your friends a question encouraging them to engage with you, check-in if you are somewhere interesting, once every 10 days’ show how your business and/or product/service is improving someone’s life (DON’T, however, spam your stuff – make it elegant). Remember – curiosity, quote, personal, engagement, business.
- Personal development. You get who you are being. Who are you being today? Really think about this as it will show up in your results. I do 3 hours’ daily which is a mix of reading, watching/listening, being on trainings, meditation, prayer, visualizations, affirmations and keeping a gratitude journal. Do what works for you but your business will only grow when you do.
- Keep in touch with your upline daily. It doesn’t matter how minor the question or share. This is what Leaders do.
- Expect to be a Leader. Because after all, that is precisely what you are in training for. If you are being a shy introvert on the phone with people, do you think they will follow you? If you have to, fake it until you fully believe it!
- Comment on other people’s posts on Instagram, FB and Linked In. This also shifts the FB algorithm especially. Your posts will become more visible if FB sees you are doing what it wants you to do – BE SOCIAL. And when you do this, make sure you use either the love or wow reaction emoji. NEVER, EVER just scroll through your feed and click like. FB doesn’t like this. Go into Groups and Pages and Lives and comment, wow and love. And people will start to notice and reach out to you.
- Add to your friends’ list daily. Do a bit of a fact check before adding all and sundry though. You want to be sure the person is a potential ideal client so check their profile – are they smiling, does the profile seem legitimate, are their posts positive. You want to fill your friends’ list with positive people up to something, open to opportunity and actually active on the platform. No use having 5000 ‘friends’ who never interact with you.
- Marketing research. There are SO MANY free places to advertise your business online. Let Mrs Google do the work for you. Places like free classifieds, Job Boards, Locanto, Kijiji, Craigs List – the list goes on. Don’t be complacent – do the work and you will be rewarded for it.
- Stay healthy. Eat a balanced nutritious diet and get plenty of fresh air, fresh water and exercise. It’s not only the absolute best depression buster there is, but it allows you stay positive for longer, think clearer, feel better and increases your energy levels. All the things we want and need to run our businesses.
So this is a bit of a laundry list and in the upcoming weeks’ I will investigate each one of these 10 activities in further detail so make sure you stay tuned. Love to hear if you learned anything here and if you need any further clarification or support. And don’t remember – have fun. If it ain’t fun, it shan’t be done!