I absolutely LOVE this time of year. And not just because it’s my birthday the day after Christmas either. LOL It’s a time to pretty much eat and drink what you want – guilt free of course. Spend time with those we love. Relax. And of course reflect on the year that was whilst looking to the year ahead. I particularly enjoy reflecting on what worked and what didn’t and making changes with the intention of supercharging my results for next year. Below is my list of what to critically evaluate with a view of evaluating your results from this year and transforming those results moving forward. Hope you find it helpful.
- Schedule a morning and evening ritual that involves exercise, meditation, visualization, gratitude, journaling, goals, personal development, affirmations. Start and close out your day powerfully and do what works best for you.
- What time do you arise and retire. Could you get up earlier?
- How much sleep do you get and do you have an evening ritual that best supports your sleep health? Ensure you receive 7 – 8 hours’ of good quality sleep every night and invest in a quality sleep monitoring device.
- Invest in a notebook and write down everything you do every single day so you have a record of time spent and wasted and make whatever changes necessary.
- How can you increase the amount of water you drink?
- What exercise could you include in your daily schedule that you enjoy doing, you will stick to in order to make yourself feel energized and thinking clearer?
- What has been the most cost effective, productive and efficient means of lead generation this year? What hasn’t worked? What resources do you need to create a well balanced marketing campaign that will consistently bring you qualified leads at a low cost?
- How much time do you spend with friends’ and family? Do you feel it’s enough and if not, what are you willing to change around that?
- How much time do you spend in nature? Do you feel this is important? Why or why not? What could you change around this? It’s a scientifically proven fact that spending consistent time in nature is great for your overall health and supports immune function, gives clarity and boosts regeneration.
- What is that you really want and who do you really want to be? What changes need to be made? Is this important to you?
I could quite honestly go on but these are a great starting point. Notice that most of them are not business related? The important thing to consider here is that if your head isn’t in the right place and your body is not best supporting you, then business will be a reflection of who you are being or not being – whatever the case may be. Ask yourself the hard questions – you might be quite surprised by the answers you receive.