Quite recently I re-discovered my “Gratitude Rock”.  Now if you haven’t seen the fabulous movie “The Secret”, Mike Dooley explained that it’s a rock you carry around with you and every time you either touch it or think of it or look at it, you consider something that you are grateful for in that moment.  Mike went on to beautifully and emotively share his personal experience of sharing it with his friend from South Africa who eventually healed his own son from a serious disease.  I am not trying to make light of this particular story and if you would like to see it, hear the story or read it, visit www.WildlyWealthy.com for your copy of the DVD, CD or hardcover.  I really don’t believe that the power of gratitude can be in anyway understated.

If we go back to the absolute and undisputed greatest personal development text ever written in history – the Bible – there are so many references to being grateful.  It’s one of the first things we were taught in Sunday School – to ask and give thanks.  It is a powerful energy that we sent out.  To truly understand the philosophy behind it, we need to investigate any requests that we make to the Universe or God in the first place.  You see, if we are asking for something, we are talking in terms of something that we are anticipating will happen at a future time.  The problem with this, is that what will happen, is that it will remain there.  We are in the energy space of “wanting”.  And like always attracts like so wanting will almost infallibly attract more wanting.  What we are asking for will never materialize.

I begin each day by typing in my “Gratitude Journal” and I recently gave a notebook to my 8 year old son to start each day the same way – by giving thanks for what we are grateful for in our lives right now.  I have begun teaching him that the energy that we send out when we are truly thankful for what we have now and feel those feelings associated with those particular things – we will become naturally attractive to more of the things we are asking for with thanks.  Being grateful puts us in that vibrational state of loving what is in our lives right now.  What a way to start the day huh?  By doing this, it allows us to be in the emotional state of “being”.  And once we can experience that feeling, we can then begin to visualize what we do want as we can reproduce that feeling of being grateful for what we already have and apply it to those things we are asking for with thanks.

Asking with thanks basically means being grateful – or thankful – for it being in our reality.  The mind cannot tell the difference between real or imagined so when you are grateful for something already in your reality and then you visualize something you want with the same degree of energy, it has to arrive in your reality.  What you visualize then materializes.  It has to.  It is a simple law of the Universe.  By carrying around a “Gratitude Rock”, it allows you the opportunity to be in that energy state more often during the course of your day.  I find myself quite often putting my hand either on or in my pocket and considering what I am doing in that moment and finding something to be grateful for around me.  Remember that raising your vibrational state on a constant and regular basis, will make you naturally attractive to the things in life that you want to create.  Now I would not take this exercise too lightly.  I happened to be interstate at one of my favourite beaches when I selected my “Gratitude Rock”.  Funnily enough, it just also happens to be in the geographical shape of Australia – rather coincidentally.  But it’s a rock that I love to look at and touch.  Its colour is reflective of the Australian outback and it’s sandstone – prevalent and found mainly where I grew up.  So it means something to me on a personal and sentimental level.

So why don’t you today or this weekend, go to a place that you love.  Really take the time in finding a rock that you know will be special to you and give it a try.  Put it in your pocket every morning after you get dressed.  I would love to hear your comments or stories of your experiences.  I re-discovered my rock very recently and I can hardly believe some of the incredible experiences that have occurred in my life since I started doing it again.

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