I must admit I had a bit of a rant today on Facebook.  From time to time I do get somewhat fascinated by people’s posts for a variety of reasons.  Now I know it’s nothing new that people do have a propensity to say things that they would not normally say to people’s faces – we all know that.  However, I’ve been noticing a rather new and disturbing trend – sounding one’s own trumpet.  And this relates to many things – anything from telling everyone how much money they have just made, what airline lounge they are sitting in, what star hotel they are staying in, how many millions they have made for their clients, how many are on their database – the list is quite literally endless.  It’s like everyone is having a screaming contest and the prize goes to who screams the loudest.  The truth is that it is not just necessary.  One of my all time favourite quotes is from Margaret Thatcher “Being powerful is like being a lady.  If you have to tell people you are, you aren’t.”  And it is so true.  You see people are not remotely interested as to which airline’s lounge you are sitting in, which hotel you are staying at and how many stars it is, how much money you made, how clever you are.  What people are interested in is what you can do for them.  What value can you bring them in order to deliver a solution to their immediate problem.  And screaming from the mountain tops about how very clever you are does the opposite.  It honestly makes me want to puke.  If you really are making a difference to the lives of others, then purely allow your work to be that voice.  Allow your actions to speak what your mouth should not.  Walk your talk – not the other way around.  People very seldom listen to what you say – they watch what you do and the results you can deliver.  People care about the stories – not the facts.  People love listening to their favourite radio station – WIIFM (What’s In It For Them).  The louder you scream, believe me, the more people will just not listen.  I could sit here and tell you all about how I’ve been pinned on stage by company founders and put up in a suite at the Hilton and about all of my bonus cheques and overseas trips and upgrades and blah, blah, blah.  At the end of the day, that’s all it is.  Blah.  No-one cares!!  They care about how you can teach them to get all of that.  So seriously – get off of your high horse and get over yourself.  Be authentic.  It’s truly rare in this day and age.  Stand out by just being yourself.  At the end of the day, that is what pays dividends.  And just remember – the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.  What is your heart full of?


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