I used to have the most fantastic discussions with one of my business partners on the topic of being fascinated by the negative people we come into contact with on a daily basis. And let’s face it, we are all only human. If you haven’t felt it, then you must come from Mars! Her argument was that we could ‘change’ people to our way of thinking and my argument is …No – we need to find people with the right attitude right from the outset. You invariably will have to go through more frustrating phone calls with people, but it will make working with people that join your group so much easier to work with. So less work in the long run, but essentially more work in the short term. None of us want to be running an “Adult Day Care Centre” as I like to call it. We only want to be working with motivated individuals who are ready and willing to work on change in themselves and move forward – not drag people along with us. I had a lady in my group who suffered multiple allergies. She was quite sick and obviously couldn’t work a full-time job any further. She got started and funnily enough went on to be the most successful networker I have every worked with! Her conversions were insane! She would talk to 3 people and 1 would partner with her! Just crazy! But let me tell you – working with her was exhausting. I had to be constantly reminding her of how unbelievably successful she was. She just never believed it and ended up quitting. So to a new starter, this would have on the surface been fantastic – she was bringing people into her group hand over fist! But why on earth work so hard to drag someone along with you when it is much easier to just find people with the right mindset to begin with. It makes life so much more enjoyable. Make today a great day! xx
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