I especially love that Christian prayer “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.”. Change is something we all face, potentially every single day of our lives. We either love it or dread it or just accept it. Whatever you feel about it, it happens whether you like it or understand it or not. So how can we learn to love change, embrace it and welcome it into our lives? I guess it all depends on your mindset towards it.
If you understand that going with it brings opportunity, then you appreciate its power and welcome it. If you despise it, then no matter what happens, it won’t look good to you. If you are indifferent to it, then I am guessing you are the kind of person who allows life to just float your boat to wherever port it takes you. Which in some contexts can be a great thing. But it’s not living life by design and that is our God-given capability. The fact of the matter is that change is happening probably faster now than it ever has done in the history of the world.
Today, here in Australia, a milestone was reached – our last surviving motor manufacturer – Holden – has decided to finally cease operations in 2017. I always find these kinds of cataclysmic events fascinating when observing human responses to it. For me, it was always the writing on the wall being there for many years and though it is extremely sad, that is the world we now live in. It is a tough world. No question of that. But you know the saying – when the going gets tough, the tough get going.
I see a world at the moment that is just literally teeming with opportunities for the person who is uneducated or unindoctrinated (is that a word?) There are more ways to earn money than ever before. There are more choices of car to buy than ever before. There are so many places to shop cheaply than ever before. It’s exciting!! And yet, having said that, I can completely understand that some workers at Holden would be quite nervous right now, if not downright angry! In business, just the same, you can be angry that the goalposts have shifted – and I was like that myself some years ago – or you can say “thank you” to God, the Universe, spirit or whatever your belief is and be grateful for new opportunities. It really is all in how you look at it. And if you look at it from a positive point of view, the opportunities will quite literally appear right in front of your eyes. Some people will get it and move forward with their lives, embrace opportunities and really succeed. Others will spend the rest of their lives cursing the Government, the Unions, big business, the economy, the media etc etc etc and will continually ‘nurse their curses’ until they pass on to the next world.
If you want to get on with your goals, if you want to get somewhere in your life, if you want to create life the way YOU want, change is definitely one of the very first things that you really do need to embrace.
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