If you’ve been around in MLM or Network Marketing for any period of time, you will have come across these people.

They attend everything. And I mean EVERYTHING.

They’re on all the conference calls, the zoom calls, the webinars, the live events – all of it. But yet they never seem to actually create any results. Sound familiar? Hope I’m not talking to you here.

Addicted to Network Marketing Training – What’s Wrong With It?

Now I am not in any way criticizing.

What I am supporting you in doing is recognizing who these team members are so that you are able to allocate your time accordingly and efficiently.

I made the rookie mistake in thinking that “wow she attends everything – I need to give her all my attention and time.” Guess what? Doesn’t work. Why? Because they are completely addicted to training.

I have quite literally seen people attend company events for nearly 10 years’ and never bring a single team member into their business. I’ve also seen people skip from company to company to company. They attend all the training – and yet never make a penny.

There is absolutely nothing at all wrong with is. Except if you came to this industry to actually make some money. Because sadly these people will not in anyway help you to do that.

More About Network Marketing Training…

You see training for some people is like a drug – they just can’t get enough of it.

They perhaps came to the industry because something was missing in their lives, there was a void that needed filling. They jump on all the calls and it makes them feel better about themselves. So it does serve a purpose. I’ve seen one gal who left her abusive husband of over 40 years’ so it definitely does serve a purpose. They take it to a place that you perhaps don’t. So never belittle these people – the training does something for them. It just doesn’t build your business.

The MLM Training Addiction

Sadly I’ve seen innumerable network marketing trainers put up stuff daily and the stats of people actually creating any sort of result is tiny.

Miniscule in fact. Because most people show up because they are addicted to feeling good. In just the same way as people are addicted to smoking, alcohol, sex, chocolate – whatever.

There are people who are completely, totally and utterly addicted to network marketing training – they need their daily ‘fix’. And plenty of top income earners have recognized this fact and are cashing in ‘retiring’ from their businesses to spend all of their time, energy and resources just training.

Because there is serious money to be made from it. There are many thousands of very desperate souls out there. And no doubt about it – they want to change their lives.

They are just not ready yet in their personal development journeys to actually take the action required. They’re at the point of just wanting to feel good. And as I said – it’s perfectly okay. If you can recognize them for it.

So my advice is make sure you know who they are. Identify them quickly.

These are the ones who will want to do weekly ‘masterminds’ with you, will want to have regular ‘chats’ with you about this and that (typically about something they have learned on a call) and will want endless debriefs and catch ups about something that was said in a training because they are so addicted they just want the feeling to go on and on and you are unfortunately their only lifeline to training when there isn’t any live stuff going on.

Make sure you only spend time with those who deserve it and not those who need it. Our job is not to coach people around personal development – they have to do that for themselves.

We are business and leadership developers and professional marketers. That is what we are paid to do – not sit on endless coaching calls with our team members.

We’re merely here to guide them until they have built up their business to a point where they no longer need much of your time. Once you have done that, you know you have won the game. Hope you have found this helpful.