Whatever it is that you want to achieve in life – getting there really is simpler than you think.  And I am not just talking about business either.  I am talking about absolutely anything at all.  Sport, music, becoming a more confident communicator, learning how to weave baskets – it doesn’t matter.  The ONE thing to guarantee that you will achieve your goals is …FIND A COACH!!!

Find someone who is already doing what you want to achieve and ask them to teach you exactly what they did to get to where they are. But you will need to be prepared for some hard work and some pain.  Pain of change however is only temporary, but do realize you will need to be accountable.

But don’t be shy on this.  Most successful people in their chosen field are delighted to share that success with others.  And this is because they know that part of their success is attributable directly to the support of others and understand the importance of being grateful for what they have and ‘paying it forward’.  I have done this in every area of my life.  I have a tennis coach, a personal trainer, two business coaches, a financial advisor and budget coach, a ceramics teacher and I am a member of Toastmasters.  I LOVE being a student.

So get out there and search for the person who you know can teach you how to live the life you have dreamed of living.