Always finish out each day. Put together a list each night of what you want to accomplish each day. Get a spiral bound notebook and make it your day book. Write tomorrow’s date at the top. Then write down your task and put a line underneath each entry. When you have completed each task, put a squiggly line through it. When an entire page is completed, put a cross through it. Anything not completed you will see immediately because there is no squiggly line nor a cross through the page. Take this with you EVERYWHERE! Use it for notes and ideas. Put it beside your bed at night in case you wake up and remember something or get creative. Perhaps you can highlight different themes so you can recognize them straight away. Have fun with it. But always do what you can do today. The more you put off until later, the more insurmountable it will seem later on. Then we tend to procrastinate and never get started. I personally love lists. I love crossing things off. It gives me a sense of achievement. So don’t waste a minute. Make a game with yourself to see how much you can achieve in a day. You will quite literally shock yourself.
Don’t Leave Until Tomorrow What You Can Do Today.
by fiona | Mar 1, 2012 | Life Coaching and Mentoring | 0 comments