More often than none we all know what it takes to get something done. We all know that in order to lose weight we need to eat right and exercise. So what exactly holds up back from the actual doing phase? And this is an answer that will be intrinsic to all and yet quite different. There can be a variety of ‘stoppers’ or just plain excuses – “I’m too tired to exercise”, “I don’t have time to cook a healthy meal”, “I’ve been so busy this week”, “I don’t like exercising”, “It’s too cold”, “It’s too hot”, “I’m happy just the way I am”. What is it precisely that will move us out of the negative that holds us back and into the positive in finding options that will move us forward?
In most cases, when a person gets serious, desperate or sometimes even sick enough, they will find outside help. And this is the absolute best thing that a person can ever do. It’s not in the getting of the help, it’s in the admitting that one is not able to do it on their own. Admitting to one’s own shortcomings is a big accomplishment in itself. I have always told my clients that awareness is always half the battle. When you are aware that there is a problem, challenge or issue that is the first step. Knowing what your own capabilities are and are not in actually dealing with it is the second and most natural step. The third is in enlisting the services of an outside party. In many circumstances, it can be someone the closest to you. In my particular situation, I admit that I am not a morning person. I am most definitely a night owl. Always have been and probably always will be. I work harder and stronger after dark. No question. So getting up for me has always been a challenge. There aren’t too many people aside from my partner who can help me with that so we have engaged a number of strategies that overcome my dislike of getting up in the mornings. So it’s a team effort. I realize that this is very simplistic and somewhat fundamental, but the idea is the exact same for anything in our lives that is challenging us and we want to move through it.
So to recap – first is to admit that there is a challenge, issue or problem. Second step – to admit that we are not equipped to deal with it. Third step – enlist the services of an outside party. There is tremendous power in engaging someone else and this is because it keeps us accountable. Even the most successful people in the world have someone that they are accountable to on a regular basis. Examples may be an Accountant, Lawyer, Business Partners, staff even. This is of course on a fairly large scale. Being involved in Network Marketing as long as I have, I have learned the value of ‘reporting’ to someone else every week. We always recommend that the new person does this right from the get go. Set aside time once a week for a weekly ‘Mastermind’ or ‘Focus’ session. So the sponsor becomes the expert, the mentor. Sometimes even the coach (for clarity read my post a couple of days ago on the differences between coaches and mentors). The mistake many Networkers make is in not maintaining those connections. They feel that they’ve been in business for a while and now they know how things roll, so they can handle everything themselves. This is a huge delusion. The fact of the matter is that as someone progresses through the pay plan, new challenges will always surface. New things that they are NOT equipped to handle. I know multi-millionaires that have several coaches that they report back to weekly. They simply make the time for it because they understand the power of it. It is particularly important to those who work for themselves and/or work from home.
More often than none, consulting someone else can shed new light. It can bring new perspectives that you might not otherwise have recognized. This outside source can guide, enlighten, uplift, re-energize and lay out a road map to get you to where you want to go. Checking in every week makes sure you are not either embarrassing yourself by not getting the work done that has been set for you by this outside source, but you know that in yourself if you don’t do the work, you will feel as though you are wasting that person’s time. And this is what keeps you accountable. No-one likes to feel embarrassed or humiliated and most of us will do practically anything to avoid it. And this is the power of being accountable to someone else. They see your situation from a different viewpoint and can offer options that you may not see. Continuing these sessions on an ongoing basis ensures that you are continuing to put one foot in front of the other – you are taking the necessary steps to bring that goal all the more closer. Why do you think Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig and Personal Trainers are so effective?? They keep us coming back week after week and we HUNGER for their recognition when we know we have gone above and beyond what they set out for us to do. Everyone loves results. We love sharing them and our support team will always love to hear of them.
So my challenge to you today is – where is something not working in your life? Would you like it to work? Look seriously at every area of your life that you are dissatisfied with and work out who exactly can assist you in that area. You can seek out an expert or mentor – someone who has walked your path and can give you an exact plan. Or a coach, therapist or psychologist perhaps who can guide you, depending on what the issue is exactly. Let’s face it, all successful sports people have a network of supports in place. Whatever you choose, always be seeking answers. Don’t leave this world with questions when there are so many out there that are happy and willing to help you find the answers and pave the way for your life to be as fulfilling as it can be.
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