Today I was on a very powerful training call and I gained so much from it that I just felt compelled to share what I learned.  And this isn’t primarily directed purely at people who have aspirations of achieving millionaire-dom – it’s really for anyone who ever dreamed of achieving something and didn’t quite know how to do it.

You see, it’s never about the money.  “What?”  I hear you say.  Yep – that’s right.  It’s not about the money.  First lesson here is that money is just energy.  It’s just numbers on a bank statement, pieces of paper and coin in your wallet or purse.  Nothing more than that.

Why do you think you have no money in your life?  Perhaps write it down and really get in touch with what exactly the blockages are to gaining more.  What I think you will find is it is all about how you feel about money and not so much what you think.  If you have been regularly reading my blog posts you will know by now that I am big on discussing the power of the Law of Attraction.  Because fundamentally, just the same as gravity, it forges our lives whether we believe it, understand it or not.  When it comes to attracting anything in life that you desire – it’s all about how you feel about it.  And money and riches and prosperity are no exceptions.

Most of us feel very negatively towards money and this usually perpetuates from our childhood doesn’t it?  We all heard very similar stories – “money doesn’t grow on trees”, “who do you think I am, a Murdoch or a Packer”, “you have to work hard for money”, “only greedy and bad people have money” etc etc etc.  I’m betting if you are reading this, you heard one of these statements growing up.  So we can want something so badly in our lives, but if our underlying beliefs about money resembles any of the statements above, no matter how much we try, try, try to bring it into our reality, we end up repelling it with our negative beliefs.

Ask yourself some really tough questions.  Like what is money?  What is wealth to you?  Who are rich people?  What kind of people are those who are highly successful?  What does a millionaire look like to you?  What would be a negative to being a millionaire yourself?  What would be the worst thing about it?  Would you have to give up stuff like time?  If you are truly dedicated to shifting your focus and energy surrounding money, really spend the time in deconstructing what your closely held beliefs are regarding money.  Then replace them with positive feelings around money.  Go back to the questions once again after you have deconstructed the negative beliefs and replace each one with a positive statement.  Something like “successful people are true agents of change and are making a positive and lasting difference to the lives of many in the world.”  That gives you an idea anyway.

Write down the positives of being a millionaire, what the best thing about it would be and how your life would be different.  And most importantly who would you BE if you were a millionaire.  You see, the big secret here is that millionaires are not different to you or me.  People are just people right?  But the true essence of people’s success and wealth is how they think and more importantly feel.  These people have made it into a habit – they focus on the positive stuff constantly – not as a one time event.  They don’t let anything rain on their parade and see the possibilities and opportunities that there are everywhere.  Because they are there – you just have to see them.

So today, made a decision about what you really want.  Write it down and complete the exercise I have set you above.  If you check out my coaching site I give away a free MP3 of success affirmations when you sign up for one of my packages.  It’s a start.  So I will admit it does take some work when you’re working on yourself, but believe me, the payoffs are so worth it.  Now get that piece of paper and start deconstructing those negative money beliefs.  Because they’re not real.  What is real is what you create your life to be and you can do that starting today.

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