I recently read an article entitled “Happy Birthday And I’m A Miracle!” written by the enormously talented .@sandikrakowski  I was reading it and it resonated so much with my personal life story.  So I thought I would write something similar because it just really told my story I think better than I can tell it myself.  Go to her blog at www.arealchange.com to read the original article for yourself.

A large proportion of both of our lives has been spent in pain.  Either physical, mental, psychological or emotional pain.  And neither Sandi nor myself are looking for sympathy in any way, shape, or form, but I think we are both coming from a place of highlighting the point that our very existence here on this earth today is miraculous and to be incredibly grateful for it.

Ever since I was 11 months old I have battled severe illness.  School was a struggle the whole way through.  I used to spend weeks at a time in hospital, several times a year.  It’s a miracle in itself that I managed to even get through School and pass each grade given how much of it I missed!  And matters didn’t really change a lot going into my 20s and 30s either.  Lots of hospital stays, surgery, time off work, misery.

I’ve learned to realize though, that constant trauma, suffering, unfairness and illness was never meant to be my lot in life.  And I’ll admit, it has taken a very, very long time to realize this.  It wasn’t the plan that God had for me and He wasn’t angry with me or whatever the justification.  For anyone who truly believes that, it is bullshit – pardon my language.  But it’s true.  It can be what some people settle for though.  And I had certainly chosen that pity party for a large proportion of my life.  I’ve seen it so many times in others who don’t have life threatening conditions but just use it as an excuse to be a victim in life.  It’s sad.

We are all born to be free and full of possibilities.  We were all created to live a life of our choosing.  Somehow, though, along the way, we learn certain things that ultimately hold us back from becoming that pure potentiality we were born with.

People always tell me how inspirational and motivational I am.  I don’t know about that.  What I do know is that somehow, in some way, I’ve managed to embrace that wonderful thing called forgiveness and accepted deep love into my life and miracles have happened in my life.  Things that I have long dreamed about that have come to fruition and sometimes have me scratching my head wondering how they heck that happened!  I could never really share all of the gory details of my life – the abuse, threats, bullying, abandonment, car crash, multiple pregnancies and miscarriages, violent relationships, kicked out of Churches, life-threatening illnesses – the list goes on.  Never feeling as though I fitted in anywhere – even my own family.

But what I did have was dreams and I held onto those suckers like nothing else.

I am a miracle.  As are you.  As is everyone.

I’ve learned to peel back the layers and discover who I really am and stand for that no matter what anyone says or thinks.  No matter the gossip and backstabbing.  I, like Sandi, have been through so much and lived to tell the tale and when this happens, your faith in so much grows.

The world is always turning.  Things do change and we can either embrace it or stay where we are.  You can choose to believe you are miracle – or not.  Your life, your attitudes, your world is created by you.  Always was and always will be.  Question is, will you use that to create miracles yourself and make a difference to both your immediate world and beyond.

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