After having quite the insightful discussion with one of my Coaches last night, I came to considering more about the types of Networkers in our industry. And I am certainly not one to put people in boxes at all whatsoever. Personally I cannot stand those DISC profiles, categorizing people by colours, gemstones, numbers – whatever! We are all unique and despite a lot of trainers out there who love to train on this subject under the veil of communicating more effectively with people and how to build relationship, the simple fact of what I have discovered over time is that generally people are always in more than one ‘category’ – sometimes even more than two. So how is it that you can possibly ‘communicate more effectively’ with someone who is essentially as we all are – completely and totally unique. Sorry, but I believe in it about as much as numerology or astrology – it’s hocus pocus. When you really listen to people and can really put yourself in the space of being able to resonate, empathize and truly hear them, that is how relationships are forged. That’s just my experience. Not by categorizing them as a “Ruby” and then realizing later that they are really an “Emerald” and you haven’t been connecting at all and then wondering why. It’s hit and miss. Anyway, onto my topic for today.
I like to think that I’m a collaborative Networker. I really do truly enjoy the company of other Networkers and love sharing their successes. It is equally satisfying and fulfilling to me to be able to impart some of my knowledge to allow others to have “ah-ha” moments and serving in either re-igniting someone’s passion for Network Marketing but also allowing them to see their business from a fresh new perspective. My ultimate goal is to produce more Evangelists and Ambassadors for our industry and turn around the outdated perspectives that most people have about us. I’m all about us doing this together.
It saddens me hugely that unfortunately a lot of Networkers are very, very competitive. Many see a Meet Up group of Networkers as an opportunity to try and recruit others to their business. Even within my own company, I’ve seen it over and over and over again. At company conventions, it is inferred that you are not allowed to speak to certain people because they are in “Bob’s organization and Bob doesn’t like anyone outside his organization talking to his people”. I mean, really? Clearly it’s a sign of fear isn’t it? What on earth could they possibly fear? Our company has a very clear and stern policy of not being allowed to join someone else’s organization without resigning your current Distributorship and waiting 6 months before you can join another’s. So what is it exactly that the ‘competitive’ Networker fears and makes them act the way they do?
This is not going to be some sort of psychological analysis essay, but once again purely my own thoughts based on my experiences with folks over 20 years of being in this business. Fear is really an acronym – False Evidence Appearing Real. Love that. And it’s true. People generally fear stuff that hasn’t even happened yet and has never happened in their lives at all. Essentially it is a fear of the unknown. In the context of Network Marketing, people innately fear loss. They fear losing people, losing their business, losing face and ultimately, losing money. But you know what? It happens. It happens in ANY business – not just Network Marketing. People will come and go just as with any business – customers will always come and go. It is what it is and I love using Jim Rohn’s reference on what that is – “ … don’t take that class … “ Just understand that Networking is a numbers game. So called “heavy hitters” will leave just as the newbies will. Don’t try and figure it out, just accept that it’s the way it is and work with it instead of against it. Give up worrying about what ‘might’ happen in your business. Chances are, what you fear most will never happen and if it does, it won’t be anywhere near as bad as you think it will be. What if you did lose some key people? Well you found them in the first place, so you clearly know how to do that again don’t you? So go find them! Don’t beg and plead for them to stay? Why would you want to spend time with anyone who doesn’t want to spend the time with you? It’s a bit the same as when a relationship ends – sometimes we don’t know why but we don’t spend the rest of our lives miserable and give up on love completely do we? No! We go back out there and start dating again. Your business should be treated the exact same way.
Tomorrow we will look at the other two reasons I feel that Networkers are competitive instead of collaborative. Hope you’re enjoying it so far and leave me your comments of your experiences. Other Networkers will benefit from your story.
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