We really do cram more into our lives now than ever before. Technology has certainly made that possible. Amongst the craziness of every day life we can sometimes overlook that we are actually making progress despite feeling as though we are treading water.

It’s easy to get so caught up with getting so many things done and then feeling as though we are underachieving because we’re not getting through as much as we would like. I’m hugely guilty of this and I know that I’m an overachiever so if you are the same, then you will fully appreciate where I’m coming from. Endless lists and tasks and priorities. It becomes a bit of a trap and a self-fulfilling prophecy of never ending proportions. Aside from taking some down time as I have mentioned a few times in previous posts, I think it is equally important to look back over your day and just pat yourself on the back for what you have actually achieved. No matter how small it was. It may have been putting away the washing that has been sitting there for over a week. It might be finishing that book you’ve been meaning to get to. Finally calling up that friend and presenting the opportunity that you know you have putting off. It really doesn’t matter what it is, it is so important to our self-esteem, sense of worth, self-belief, confidence, persistence – I could quite literally go on here – to celebrate every win, no matter how small.

I used to beat myself up constantly over not getting this and that completed in a day. Admittedly, I have always been a high achiever and have set myself pretty hefty goals. Then when I didn’t achieve them, I would feel worthless, useless and hopeless which obviously is rather demotivating. It did paralyse me to a degree. One day one of my mentors helped me to recognize that this behaviour is extremely unproductive and even destructive and pointed me in the direction on focussing on what I have achieved instead of what I didn’t. Every step is a step forward, no matter how tiny and seemingly irrelevant it appears to be. Having said all of this, how good does it feel when we go to bed at night knowing that we have given it our all, worked hard, got heaps done and ticked a lot of boxes that we had set ourselves? There is no sleep like the sleep we get from a day worked well. But let’s be honest, most days don’t go exactly the way we planned do they? And that’s called LIFE! It’s all about how we respond to what happens to us, because stuff will keep happening to us irrespective of what we think and feel.

They key is find the good stuff in your day and celebrate those little wins. On my bedside table, I have a book of positive aspects and I also have a gratitude journal on my PC. I set myself a task of finding at least 20 things that I can be grateful for in a day. Some days it’s a massive challenge, other days it is so easy. And this is all part of celebrating those little wins.

Find what DID work in your day instead of focussing on what didn’t. When you can truly get into this vibration, this habit, this rhythm of feeling and thinking and doing, you will begin to attract more things to celebrate. It’s all about how you feel. Try it for at least 30 days. Start a book of positive aspects and/or a gratitude journal and just stop every day, even if it’s only for 5 minutes, and start celebrating those little wins, those tiny steps forward. Your future self will thank you for it.