I want you to picture something for a moment. Think about the last time you were completely paralyzed by something. Now this could be an illness, grief, fear, a physical impairment such as a broken bone, anger – whatever you can relate to. I recently discussed wellness in my blog post “Health Is Wealth Is Wellness Is Success.” I described how each concept is inextricably linked and even the dictionary definition of wellness as below, you can see how wellness relates very closely to one’s health:
- The quality or state of being health in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort;
- An approach to healthcare that emphasizes preventing illness and prolonging life, as opposed to emphasizing treating diseases.
Thinking back to that time when you were paralyzed by something either physical, psychological, emotional or mental – did you feel “well”? And this isn’t a trick question. It’s a bit like asking you to feel anger and elation at the same time – it is completely impossible. You simply cannot feel both at the same time. Just the same as it is impossible to feel wellness when you are in a state of illness, anger, fear, jealousy or the like. I dare you to try it. Feel “well” when you’re coughing up a lung!
It is only when we are truly well, that we are able to experience life in all of its fullness. Consider the ‘Emotional Guidance System” and please refer to any publication by www.Abraham-Hicks.com if you are unfamiliar with it. Do you think that if you are feeling fear/grief/depression/despair and powerlessness that you can possibly be in a “state of being health in body and mind”? Clearly not. When you are vibrating at that frequency, you can only attract that which you are. It is not possible for people to see opportunities and the true beauty of the world we live in when we are feeling those very strong emotions.
Alternately, if you are vibrating in the frequency of joy, appreciation, empowerment, freedom and love, that is the complete and full expression of who you really are and what wellness is all about. It is in this state that life can be fully experienced in all of its wonder and amazement.
Right now as I type this, I am holidaying in Scandinavia and I’m looking out the lounge room window of a friends’ summer house in the north of Denmark over the Aarhus Bugt (Bay) and I just cannot find it possible to not feel pure joy, appreciation and love of what I see sitting here with my partner watching the sun go down. A few days’ ago I could feel a chest infection starting to give me chest pain. But now I feel no sign of that because it is not possible for any form of disease to grow in a body that is vibrating in such a high, positive frequency. Watch the section on health in the movie “The Secret” (www.TheSecret.tv ) to learn more about what I’m explaining here.
Wellness and life are inextricably linked. You cannot experience everything life has to offer without wellness of body and mind and without life, there is no experience of wellness. After all, we only die in our physical bodies when wellness dies in some form. So grab a copy of the “Emotional Guidance Scale” and do only those things that bring you joy and appreciation and love and enthusiasm and love. In your MLM/Network Marketing business, it is crucial to overcome all of the constant rejection and negativity you will face. These are all you need in order to live a full and well life – both personally and in business.
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