We women are strong, powerful and inspirational queens! I must say I always have a bit of a giggle when my husband gets a small pain somewhere in his body like right now in his wrist. Sometimes the men in our lives can act like they are close to death when it’s just a mild cold. Not marginalizing in any way, but for women – especially in the current times – are taking on 80% of the home duties it was found in a recent study. It’s been tough with home schooling, working, cooking, cleaning etc etc. I certainly felt the pressure for sure and had to take a few days’ “off” to take care of me. Take the list below on and test different things and find what works for you. And do something daily to care for you. Share with those you care about. Enjoy!
- Physical health – be active, eat well and deep sleep;
- Connectedness – with your kids’, your significant other, team members, family, friends etc;
- Purposeful activity – work, hobbies, learning, giving back and find flow in that;
- Finances – take some time to simplify, are you getting the best deal on all of your insurances, utilities etc and restructure;
- Mindfulness and Meditation – take some time to quieten the mind;
- Spirituality/Meaning – whether that be religion or passionate about a cause;
- Personal development and growth – read, listen and watch materials that will support your self-esteem and confidence and belief in yourself;
- Develop an attitude of gratitude – make a list of at least 5 things daily that you are grateful for;
- Yoga – which also covers physical health and mindfulness and meditation – but just the simple practise of stretching and breathing has transformative qualities;
- Take time out for YOU. Go for a walk. Stay in a motel overnight somewhere you’ve never been. Read a book. Take your significant other out on a date night. Get a massage, facial, nails, wax.