We all hear this don’t we – work harder on yourself than you do on your business. Well it depends really. If you’re just getting started in your business and you had never heard of personal development before – then absolutely yes! You will definitely be wanting to spend most of your time working on your mind. I personally spend around 6 hours’ a day on my business and 3 extra hours’ working on my personal development. So I will share with you my daily recipe to baking a good well rounded personal development ‘cake’.
- Find a good book and read one a week or fortnight. The great minds of the world are readers. The great leaders of the world are readers. Success leaves clues. No excuse on this one as libraries are FREE. I’m currently reading “How To Be An Extraordinary Athlete” by Dr Ann Quinn.
- Grab Audible and start listening to audio books. Especially if you find yourself time poor and still work a full time job. You can pop it on during your daily commute to and from work. Easy! I’m currently listening to “Think And Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill.
- Meditate. Now some people turn their nose up and whinge and whine about this one, but truly it’s the one thing that will quieten your mind more than anything. And once you can truly master this skill, answers will start popping into your mind so fast you will not believe it. I call it my directline to God! I use the “Calm” app.
- Visualizations and affirmations. I type up all of mine and then record them onto my phone so I can listen to them first thing in the morning and last thing before I go to bed. Your brain’s pathways are most open and receptive at these times. You absolutely have to continue to give your subconscious mind a good workout by giving it the programming you want to be giving it. Start out your sentences with “I am so happy and grateful now that …” It will start to shift your energy vibration.
- Gratitude journal. I do this every single morning without fail. I find 20 things to be grateful for and I use categories. For instance, relationships, nature, health and body. If I’m feeling particularly low, I make a list of 100 things. It’s pretty much impossible to remain in a negative energy vibration after doing that!
- Personal diary. I type my thoughts out every morning. Typically I do a bit of a recap of the last day, so I can tie a bow on it and leave it there. Whatever happened. It’s quite therapeutic getting my thoughts and feelings out. No doubt one day my kids’ will read it all with awe and equal disgust. Lol
- Find a good self-coaching program or a very good Life Coach. This is probably one of the most under-rated things in the world currently. I cannot possibly preach the value of a good Coach here. Just could not do it justice. I adore my Coach. She’s located in the USA and though we take some breaks from each other, we always just pick up where we left off and I adore her. She’s taken me through some pretty difficult situations in my life that I could not have done alone. She’s allowed me the space to step into my power. I could go on and on and on. If you can’t afford a Coach, find a very good self-coaching program and be willing to spend considerable money on it. It’s an investment in you, your future and your family and team’s future.
- Stay green. Be willing to continue being the student. Be like a wide-eyed kid in a candy store. Don’t miss any trainings that your company provides or your upline provides. Don’t miss anything! The next training could potentially give you that nugget of wisdom that could change your entire world. Even though I am a double certified Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, Master Mindfulness Practitioner and Advanced Law of Attraction Practitioner, I continue learning. I’m currently studying to be a Master NLP Practitioner. For both my own learning but also for my clients benefit.
- Be sure to eat a good, nutritious and balanced diet for your needs. Don’t hesitate for a moment to see a Nutritionist or Dietician to put together a program for you. Hire a Personal Trainer and get fit. Fit body = fit mind. Drink at least 2 litres of clean, fresh water daily – more if you are an athlete. Look after your body and your mind will equally be nourished.
So now you know how I spend well over 3 hours’ daily on myself. And I make it all a priority. I sit down every Sunday afternoon and plan my week in half hour blocks. I make sure that this stuff is written in first before any work is. I make time to eat – instead of eating while doing something else. A lot can be said of mindful eating. I don’t negotiate on this stuff. If I have to let a potential new client go because they can ONLY meet with me at a time that clashes with this stuff, then I let them go. If I don’t put myself first, then how on earth can I possibly be of service to anyone else. At the end of the day, find what works best for you and plan for it and make it a priority and then watch your world transform around you. Love to hear your experiences around this.