Did you realize that your physical state directly contributes to your mental state?  Now this is NOT about body shaming or anything like that at all.  It’s scientifically proven that your physiological state has a direct correlation to your mental and emotional state.  And you don’t have to workout like a beast athlete either in order to see results either.  Here’s some quick tips to get you started.

  1. Eat a balanced nutrient-dense diet.  If you need to, see a Dietician/Nutritionist to put together a plan for you if you have no idea where to start.  My best advice, if you tend to ‘pig out’ on particular foods, stop buying them and having them in your house.  Focus on plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables, carbs, protein and calcium.  Superfoods are awesome too for that extra pep!
  2. Get plenty of fresh air when you can.  If you live in a City, make time on the weekends to get out and be amongst nature.  More often than not, you can be completely out of the poisoned air in under 90 minutes and it is absolutely amazing how just being out in nature can transform your physiological state.
  3. Drink plenty of fresh water.  If you don’t live on acreage out in the country like I do and drink fresh, clean rain water, then invest in a good quality water filtration system and make sure you are drinking a minimum of 2 litres daily.  More if you exercise for longer than 30 minutes’ daily.
  4. Exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes’ daily.  This can be brisk walking if you don’t normally exercise.  Walk the dog that little bit further maybe.  Invest in a treadmill that you can use all year round.  I found one on E-Bay for $200 many years’ ago and it’s still going!  Swimming is another great form of exercise that is great for cardio and muscles.  Yoga is a fantastic all over body workout as is Pilates.  I personally also love riding my bike.  Find something that you will commit to and enjoy doing.  Better still, find a friend who can keep you accountable.  And it is THE absolute best depression buster there is!  It’s impossible to think negative thoughts when you are out of breath and sweating!
  5. Mindfulness and/or meditation practise.  It’s so incredibly important to learn how to still our forever noisy mind.  If it isn’t your ‘thing’, I challenge you to stick with it.  I use an app called “Calm” daily and have done for years’.  It does take practise but focussing purely on your breathing will again eliminate negative thoughts, improve your breathing and therefore lung function, quieten the ‘monkey chatter’ and allow fresh, clean and clear thoughts to come to you.

So what is the bonus for our business in doing all of this?  Well the biggest benefits are remaining positive for longer, thinking clearer (especially when under pressure), feeling better in general (less aches and pains) and increased energy levels.  Can you see how that would benefit your business and bottom line?  Your body is your temple.  Care for it and it will care for you.  Especially during the times you will need it to.