There’s no real middle ground with this one – you either are committed or not you’re not.  And no doubt if you ask most people involved in Network Marketing and ask them if they are committed or not, naturally they will say they are.  Sadly, however, most are not.  So how do you know you are committed and if you’re not, how do you get committed?

The simple answer to the first question is do you put your business first?  If not, then you are not committed.  Sorry if this upsets some folks, but it’s the truth.  Until you do this, then you are not fully in the game.  You will prioritise other things/people/circumstances in your life and then you will use them as excuses as to why you’re not turning up to the training calls, not calling prospects and not doing the marketing activity required to generate enough leads in a day.  I know because I’ve been there myself.  But I keep my big hairy audacious goals firmly at the front of my mind and constantly ask myself how serious am I about achieving those goals.  You see if I wasn’t, then I wouldn’t do the required work.  I personally love the quote from Johann Wolfgang Goethe:

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation) there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, the Providence moves too.”

It’s a strange thing that somehow in some way, the Universe shifts and conspires for you once you become fully committed or fully in the game.  Opportunities just start almost falling out of the sky.  You find new ways to find leads.  Prospects start calling you back.  It’s well and truly being in the zone.  But until you are actually fully committed, these things just don’t seem to happen.  Don’t ask me why – just is what it is.  Once you make that declaration to the Universe, miracles conspire to happen.  If you don’t believe me, just try it.

The answer to the question about how to get committed is also pretty easy and two-fold.  It’s all about passion and purpose.  So your purpose maybe the same as your goals and maybe not.  My goal is to live 6 months’ in Australia and 6 months’ in France but that is obviously not my purpose.  But they can be one and the same.  I have a team member who wants to rescue children in Thailand from the sex trade – that is her goal and her purpose.  So it’s super important to get crystal clear on what your purpose is.  The second answer to the question is about passion.  In my company there’s a saying “it goes from your head to your heart” and that is so very true.  I thought I was committed and loved the company, products, comp plan etc etc.  But the day it went to my heart (and in all honesty, I could not specify precisely what day that was), everything changed for me.  Now I suffer from serious FOMO if I miss an internal training call.  I have narrowed down my mastermind to people mainly in my company.  Now I realize that may sound a tad ‘cult’ like, but I just want to immerse myself in my company’s content and surround myself with people on the same journey.  There is tremendous power in the mastermind.  I am so completely immersed and love what I do – every single little thing about what I do – that I don’t want to miss a day of it.  Is it the same for you?  If not, it may be time to find another company.  If you don’t get up every single day and check your e-mails first thing to see where your business is at, or log in to your account/portal/back office/business manager (whatever name you have for it), then it’s time to question your passion for your business.  I just love every little thing about my business – the company, the people, the products, the training – every single little thing.  I could not imagine going more than a day without it (I do take Sundays off just for the record).

I’m guessing you can see that I like to keep things pretty simple.  Often the simple things in life are the best.  Grab a pen and paper and write down what you love about your business, company, products, comp plan etc etc.  If you find you struggle to do that, time to find another company.  It goes without saying you absolutely need to write down your goals and your purpose so you have a high degree of clarity around why you are doing what you are doing.  When I make tough decisions about anything, I always ask myself the “what, when, why, how, where and who” questions.  That brings tremendous clarity to me always.  And there’s always a great amount of power when you physically grab a pen and paper and write it all down.  You’ll literally stun yourself with what you come up with.

So start today to get committed!  What are you doing?  Why are you doing it?  Who are you doing it with?  How do you do it?  Where do you do it and when?  Make that your starting point.  And as always, if you need any support around any of this, please don’t hesitate to reach out.