Sounds crazy, right? But I have certainly learned how very true that is. Like anything you give your laser focus to, you will manifest – just think of a magnifying glass on paper out in the sunlight. Go on, give it a try if you think it’s just mumbo jumbo story telling. Our lives are quite literally the exact same. And it’s not even what you give your focus to, it’s more around the energy you give to that focus that will bring it into your reality. The more energy you give it, the faster it will come to you.
Just recently I decided to start a You Tube channel. I did that as part of a greater marketing strategy in attracting my ideal prospects to me. I’d been putting it off for so long because for so long I honestly felt like I wasn’t interesting. My life was boring. Who on earth would want to listen to – or worse – watch what I’m up to. Well it turns out, lots of people actually. Now I won’t beat around the bush about it, it’s taken me quite some amount of time to turn around that belief (and this blog post just isn’t going to be long enough to cover off on what exactly I’ve done to shift my mindset around this). But now I honestly do believe that I have found my voice and am sharing it authentically – albeit not exactly polished – but I am putting myself out there and have become quite comfortable in doing so. Why am I sharing this with you? I think it’s the perfect metaphor for how our vibration attracts our results. I did not go into starting a You Tube channel feeling as though it was going to be laborious. I actually think of it as fun – I really enjoy recording the videos and some of them I do spend quite a bit of time on the production of them. I go Live twice a week, produce a more polished version once a month and share a Short daily (except Sundays). And it’s been working – one post got a staggering 547 views! I could hardly believe it! Not bad for someone who has no idea of what she is doing! It’s the energy around doing it – for me, it’s fun and I enjoy watching this journey unfold. Not to mention the fact that I absolutely love You Tube – it’s my go to for learning anything.
I’ve said this a million times before, if you treat your marketing in your Network Marketing business as a chore, you will continue to manifest mediocre results. I look at it each and every single day with a new lens. What can I learn today? What new method of marketing can I uncover today? Where are my ideal clients hanging out today (because it could well be very different to where they were yesterday)? Who are my ideal clients exactly? How could I do things differently in order to manifest different results? And the last one is the most important question to ask oneself. Curiosity to me is the secret sauce. Getting curious as to how I can attract the right quality of prospect to me, at a decent price is how I look at my marketing every single day. Some days I like certain platforms, and other days’ I don’t. I recently returned to Facebook after a 9 month hiatus and in all honesty – I did not miss it one little bit. But felt it was time to pull my head in and return with a fresh new outlook.
Sometimes all that is needed is a fresh new outlook. After all, why is it that some people use exactly the same platform as us, place almost identical ads and get a different result to us? I can absolutely guarantee it’s because of the energy they are vibrating out into the Universe. Think back to a time when you were out and about with a group of people and there was just one person there who for some really weird reason, you just felt the need to stay away from. They may have been having a bad hair day – or life even. You are not able to put your finger on it, but you just know. That is your intuition reading their energy perfectly. And that can be done from afar believe it or not.
My challenge for you today is to consider being aware of your current vibration. Do you honestly feel it is going to attract the results you really want in life? If it isn’t, it’s time to shift it. And how do you do that? By doing something you love right here, right now. Even if you are in a shitty job that you absolutely hate, there is always a moment in your day where you can pop on your favourite song. Go for a walk. Talk to someone you love. Dance to the coffee room. Whatever it is for you. Even if you have to take a toilet break to do it. The important thing is to do it! You absolutely need to treat this as though your future success depends on it. Because it absolutely does.