A few months’ ago I think I sat through probably one of the most inspiring and exciting sermons I’ve ever heard.  Yes – in Church!  I attend a rather alternative and progressive Church headed up by a pretty young Pastor which is always refreshing.  No old men in long white robes – just a local dude in his flannelette shirt and work boots.  His message was about how God has no limits.  And I thought about it for a while and how appropriate this message is if you replace the word ‘God’ for energy/Universe/Spirit – whatever connotation you want to attach.  The fundamental meaning still remains and I wanted to share the message.

Let’s use the acronym GEUS for God/energy/Universe/Spirit – so we can be inclusive here.  Did you know that GEUS has no limits – but we sure as heck do!  It is possible for us to break through our limited thinking and know that all things are possible – with the help of GEUS of course.  Our limitations exist mainly in our minds – but can also exist in our spirits and bodies as well.  In order for us to be the best us we can be, we need to break free of old patterns of thinking, believing, feeling, being and doing.  We need that constant reminder that is your GEUS too small?

Consider a long distance marathon runner (rather apt with the Olympics coming up next week don’t you think?).  Think of how strained they look and how much pain they are in as they are approaching the finishing line.  Do you think that they are reminiscing on their last training session, turn 3, what their Trainer told them a week ago or what they ate for breakfast?  Of course not – they are 110% focussed on the finish line.  It’s the same for us in life.  We can waste an entire lifetime continually ruminating over the past and lose sight of what is to come!  We are all on long journeys and are marvellous works in progress.  But, we have to keep moving forward – that is nature’s way.  The past is exactly that and where it needs to remain.  We absolutely cannot continue to be ruled by past mistakes or keep celebrating past victories.  Recognize also that life will be peppered with pain here and there.  My life mantra is to either find joy in the current moment or find the learning.  There are no failures – only lessons.  And it is totally within your power to change your behaviour and habits and choices going forward – take the learnings and course correct appropriately.

Remember always that GEUS is with you.  Every moment.  Every breath.  Every victory and every seeming pain and failure.  You never run the race alone – ever.  That higher energy is always with you and in you.  Isn’t that refreshing?  Kind of takes the load off a bit, doesn’t it?

You may feel at times that you have stopped growing – and it is very untrue.  We keep growing until our last breath on this earth.  It’s important to understand that.  And usually anything that we need to grow into feels somewhat uncomfortable – at least in the short term anyway.  We are being given new and bigger clothes all the time – the question is, are we taking the time to recognize and then step and grow into them?  There’s an old saying that “dreams come in a size too big so we can grow into them” and it’s so incredibly true.  Consider an unbelievable and unreal goal for your life.  Does it make you feel uncomfortable thinking about it?  The point is, if it doesn’t, it’s not big enough.  And if it is big enough, its job is to make you feel just uncomfortable enough but not too much so that you will procrastinate about it.  The best metaphor I know of here is that of a lobster – they outgrow their shell and grow into a new one.  And so can we.

Ask yourself why you quit.  Why do you stop?  Why do you settle?  You do realize that GEUS hasn’t brought you this far to do that.  You’ve gone through what you’ve been through so you could get to the other side – and be a better version of you.  GEUS isn’t done with you.  On the other side of your fear and procrastination and settling is victory, prosperity, blessings and success.  Outrageous success – like nothing you have ever known before.  Are you ready to press on?  Are you ready to advance and keep going?  Set your sails.  Climb onward and upward.  Remember your true state is power and love and joy.  Trust in the process.  Trust yourself.  Trust in GEUS.  You’ve got this and you were created for so much more than you think.