Well that’s all folks – 2024 has packed its bags, but before it boards that flight to anywhere and everywhere, it’s a perfect time to reflect on what to pack into that baggage and bid farewell – like that drawer full of tangled charging cables you’re totally going to organize over the Christmas/New Year break. Spoiler: we’re almost at the end of it, so if you’re already procrastinating, read on. Let’s also look at what to carry forward into 2025 – you know, the stuff that sparks joy and doesn’t make you mutter under your breath after yet another customer having a bad hair day.

Things to Leave Behind in 2024

  1. The “Always On” Mentality. If your 2024 felt like a nonstop episode of a reality show titled “Surviving Work Emails & Zoom Meetings at 11 PM,” it’s time to hit pause. We’re done glorifying the hustle – rest is not laziness; it’s a human right. Leave those late-night WhatsApp messages in the past.  Oh and even the word “hustle” …
  2. Doomscrolling. Remember that time you said, “Just five more minutes,” and suddenly it was two hours later and you knew everything about an obscure celebrity’s love triangle? Yeah, let’s not do that again. Delete the app, mute the notifications, and reclaim your peace of mind.  Find other ways to connect – maybe 2025 is the year for non-cyber relationships.
  3. Guilt-Tripping Yourself for Self-Care. No, treating yourself to a bubble bath on Monday night is not selfish. Let’s leave behind the guilt and embrace unapologetic self-care in 2025—whatever that looks like for you and however much it is.  Remember no-one is keeping score.
  4. Neglecting Your Digital Clutter. Your desktop isn’t a junk drawer, and your email inbox shouldn’t look like a series of billboards. Let 2025 be the year of the clean slate (and no, you can’t just create another folder called “Stuff”).  That reminds me, I probably need to look at those 40 Google tabs …

Things to Focus On in 2025

  1. Intentional Living. Fancy term, simple idea: say yes to what matters and no to what doesn’t. Whether it’s cutting back on mindless scrolling or finally taking that pottery class, 2025 is all about quality over quantity.  Do what brings you joy more often and be mindful in it.  Focus only on that to the exception of everything else.  Especially your boss …
  2. Connecting IRL. Remember faces? Voices? Meeting people who aren’t on the other side of a screen? Prioritize real-life connections – or, at the very least, try not to laugh when someone suggests a “phone call.”  We’re not all Gen Z …
  3. Learn Something New. Always wanted to learn Italian, bake sourdough bread, or finally understand what Blockchain is? (Yes – it is coming and it’s exciting.) 2025 is the year to embrace curiosity and growth.
  4. Celebrating the Small Wins. Life’s too short to wait for the “big moments.” Found a matching pair of socks? Nailed a recipe? Made it to the gym once this month? Celebrate it all. You’re crushing it in ways you might not even realize.  Write them down and then grab that slice of pecan pie that you vowed you wouldn’t look at for at least another 4 more months’.  After all, you’ve deserved it and quick hack – it programs your mind to keep looking for the wins.  Winning!

Bonus Tip: Keep Your Humour Intact

Let’s face it, the world – and people – are weird. Lean into the absurdity and laugh when you can. Humour is free therapy, and it’s the best kind of baggage to carry into the 2025.

Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay