If you came to Network Marketing thinking that you could just sit on the sidelines and be a spectator and make lots of money, then sorry you are deluded. Yes you will make some money, but most people come to Network Marketing for the residual or leveraged income. That’s where the big income lies. Not in making some sales here and there and bringing the odd team member on board every few weeks’. Yes you will make a bit of money here and there, but it’s only after you’ve done that work and they duplicate you that the beautiful residual income comes in. And duplication will only happen if you are being the leader. That’s what we are all here for. But how on earth do you become a leader if you’ve never have been one before.

Firstly, you need to understand that you are in training so approach the process exactly that way. Be the student. Observe everything your upline is doing and emulate them if they have a big team and the income you are looking for. If not, emulate who in your company is. Find out if you can work with them if you are not liking who you are working with. There’s usually someone somewhere willing to mentor you.

Start reading some books about being a great leader. Join Toastmasters if you need to. “How To Win Friends And Influence People” is a good one as well as “The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People” are both a good starting point. Be willing to learn.

Rehearse sounding like a leader on the phone with prospects. Stand in front of a mirror if you need to. Rehearse your script if you have one so that you are comfortable with it – no ums, no aahs, no hesitating – pretend to be strong. It will come with practise.

Visualize seeing the team you are building. Who are they? What do they look like? How old are they? Where are they located? Get really crystal clear on your team and you will start to attract to them to you. Believe it, do the work and you’ll have it.

Only teach to your team what you are doing. Don’t ever ask of anyone what you would not yourself do. Being a leader means you have been where your team are right now. That is the absolute best support if you are coming from a place of authority and integrity.

Be a source of encouragement. Always. Don’t ever hassle your team – “why aren’t you doing the calls John?” isn’t going to foster a feeling of positivity and enthusiasm if you start doing that. Every single little step forward – encourage, praise, encourage, praise.

I could go on but I’ll leave it there. Once you have a team of 10 or more that you are personally working with the complexities will start to arise and your leadership style will change a little. You will have to adapt to the constant changes in your team. But laying a good strong foundation of being the student first and foremost is going to stand you in strong stead moving forward. Remembering also that everything you do is being watched by your team. Always consider that what you are doing and saying – is that how you wish to be treated and would that lift you up? You can and you will be a leader. Believe it, visualize it, start acting like you are and there you go.