We’ve all heard it a million times haven’t we? But how social are you on social media? Are you a scroller? Are you an active poster? Are you active in groups and on pages? Or are one of ‘those’ people who scrolls through their feed for hours’ daily liking every post? If you really want FB in particular to be kind to you and extend your reach, there are a few things you can do to shift the algorithm, allowing your posts to really be seen by your audience, FB Ads Manager to be kinder to you and more people to be reaching out to you. Here’s my top 5.
Comment on other people’s posts daily on FB, Linked In and Instagram. If you can, use Emojis in the comments as well. It makes you really stand out.
NEVER, EVER, EVER use the like button on FB. Always and ONLY use love, wow, share or laugh.
Find your target market and hang out with them in Groups and on Pages and make sure you do the above daily. Tag people regularly as well.
Reach out to at least 5 new contacts daily. Be sure they are your target market/niche and message them directly telling me how nice it is to be connected, how much you are looking forward to learning more about them and ask them a question to get them talking back to you.
Publish high quality content daily. Whether that be a curiosity post, engagement post, lifestyle post, sharing an article or blog post and especially Facebook Lives. We talked about this a few weeks’ ago in more detail and I will be doing a Masterclass on this soon so stay tuned.
Super, super simple stuff. But as always and with anything, what is easy to do is equally as easy not to do. When you start doing the above daily with consistency, FB and Linked In and Instagram will notice. Your posts will suddenly become more visible to those on your friends’ list and even publicly (if you set your posts that way). More people will start to engage with you. More people will start to reach out to you and request to be connected once they see more of your content. Once people know, like and trust you in Groups and Pages, expect them to reach out to you directly. Facebook will also allow you more creative freedoms in Ad Manager as well. Especially if you have a few thousand likes on your business page and there is interaction. So make time in your day to do these 5 things and watch your business grow.