Gratitude really has been what has made the difference in bringing the business and life results I’ve been working for.  That and setting my intention and goals and reviewing them daily. But daily gratitude practice is what has shifted my predominant vibration so below is my daily list of gratitude practices that I’ve been doing for the last few months’ which has manifested in my biggest ever month in business this month.  Success leaves clues.

  1. Gratitude Journal.  I type out 20 things I am grateful for across several categories such as health and body, work and success, relationships, love, life, nature, material things, passions and money.
  2. Every time I walk out in my garden with my dogs, every step I take I say “thank you”.
  3. I ‘sprinkle’ gratitude over my food and drink;
  4. I keep photos in my office of my best friend, my business partner and husband and I ‘sprinkle’ them with gratitude for having them in my life;
  5. I ‘sprinkle’ 10 people that come to mind that I am grateful for having in my life;
  6. I write “Thank You – Paid” on every bill/account that I pay for having the money and circulating it throughout the world;
  7. When I wake up every morning, the first thing I say when I arise is “thank you”;
  8. The last thing I do at night is reflect on what I am the most grateful for during the course of the day;
  9. Gratitude Rock.  I keep a rock that I collected from a very special beach overseas in my pocket when I am out and about and every time I touch it I reminds me to be grateful for something.

Hopefully you will gain some insight and ideas that you can incorporate into your daily routine that can more regularly put you in that attitude of gratitude and by doing so, will raise your vibration which will start you on that journey of attracting and manifesting the things in your life that you have intended.  Sounds simple but it works!