As someone who has spent an inordinate amount of time on the tennis court, I can confidently say that tennis is more than just a sport to me. It’s a life coach with fuzzy green wisdom. Here’s what I’ve learned about life from chasing after that elusive little yellow ball around for most of my life.
1. Love Means Nothing
In tennis, “love” literally means zero. So next time someone tells you they love something, just remember, in tennis terms, they’re saying you mean nothing to them. It’s best to clarify which kind of “love” they mean. Trust me, it saves awkward Thanksgiving dinners. In my business, if I could get a dollar for every time someone says they “love what they see, but …” – I would be a gajillionaire. Seriously.
2. It’s All About the Follow Through
Just like in life, it’s not enough to just swing at opportunities; you have to follow through. Whether it’s a job interview, a first date, or an ambitious plan to learn the ukulele, half-hearted swings won’t get you anywhere. Commit to that shot and see it through to completion. Always commit to finishing the job.
3. Sometimes You’re Up, Sometimes You’re Down
One minute you’re winning 40-love, and the next you’re scrambling to stay in the game. Life is full of ups and downs, just like tennis. So, when you’re feeling low, remember that just like a tennis match, fortunes can change with the next serve. Things can change on a dime – as someone I respect always says. Also, when you’re up, don’t get too cocky. The net has a way of humbling us all. In the words of one of the greats Rod Laver – “The time your game is most vulnerable is when you’re ahead; never let up”.
4. Anticipate the Next Shot
Life, like tennis, is all about anticipating – and planning – for what’s coming next. Whether it’s a wicked backhand or a curveball from your boss, being prepared always helps. And when all else fails, remember that sometimes you just need to lob it high and hope for the best (not my best strategy though I will say).
5. Grunts Are Necessary
Have you ever watched a tennis match and noticed how players grunt with every shot? It turns out that life also occasionally requires a good grunt. Struggling with a tough project? Put in that extra grunt. Need to get out of bed on a Monday? Time for more extra grunt. It’s surprisingly therapeutic. So take a deep breath, then grunt it out.
6. There’s Always Another Set
Had a challenging day? Bombed a presentation? Lost your favourite pair of knee high suede boots? Don’t worry, because just like tennis, there’s always another set. You can always start fresh, hit that reset button and have another go. Unless you’ve seriously lost those boots, in which case, it’s time to hit E-Bay – or in my case my fave Op Shop – and find the perfect replacement. Which can sometimes turn out better than expected …
7. Double Faults Happen
In tennis, double faults are a given. In life, they happen too – like sending a text to the wrong person or realizing you’ve been wearing that amazing sequined denim jacket that you love with a giant stain you missed when you put it on in that giant hurry this morning. The key is to laugh it off and move on. And maybe check your jacket before leaving the house next time.
8. The Importance of a Good Partner
Doubles tennis teaches you the importance of a good partner. Someone who has your back, shares your victories, and doesn’t mind when you occasionally whiff an easy shot (or 2 or 3 in my case). In life, surrounding yourself with good people makes everything better, including awkward second serves that land on your partner’s butt … But let’s not talk about that …
9. Lines Are Made to Be Argued Over
Just like in tennis, life is full of boundaries and lines that people will argue over. Did you really finish that delicious meal leftover from last night? Whose turn is it to take out the rubbish? Was that ball in or out? The answer? Argue your case with confidence and aim for a sympathetic umpire (or house mate).
10. Never Underestimate the Power of a Good Sweatband
Finally, a lesson often overlooked: accessories matter. Just ask Pat Cash! A good sweatband not only keeps the sweat out of your eyes but also makes you look like you know what you’re doing. In life, this translates to dressing the part. Confidence can be accessorized. And it’s probably the one and only thing I pay full price for – tennis outfits.
11. Never Ever Quit
They say overnight successes take years and tennis – as with anything worthwhile in life – is no exception. The best players in the world are not the fastest, the strongest or the smartest. They are generally the ones who persevere, persist, are the most tenacious and are on court more often and keep swinging – irrespective of the defeats.
Tennis is so much more than just a game. It’s a quirky, sweaty metaphor for life. So next time you find yourself facing a challenge, just imagine you’re on the tennis court. And remember, when life serves you lemons, aim for the baseline and finish your next game with a Rafa Nadal banana around the net shot. They won’t be expecting that!
And always allow the Lord to be part of ur Tennis Match Fiona.
Always Ruth. Thanks so much for your reminder – so appreciate you.