by fiona | Oct 7, 2024 | blog, Personal Development
In today’s fast-paced and crazy tech-driven world, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of responsibilities and ever increasing distractions. Many of us (me included) are so incredibly focused on outward success, striving for growth, financial freedom and...
by fiona | Oct 1, 2024 | Life Coaching and Mentoring, Personal Development
We all do it – carefully craft stories in our minds about what’s happening around us, what happened in the past and what will happen in the future. We interpret situations, assign meaning to others’ actions, and often, without even realizing it, create elaborate...
by fiona | Sep 24, 2024 | Business & Life Strategies, training, Wealth and Success Formulae
In the world of sports, athletes are often admired for their remarkable physical prowess, speed, strength and endurance. Yet, beneath the surface of these physical feats lies an intangible but thoroughly more important quality: an unrelenting and often overpowering...
by fiona | Sep 18, 2024 | Business & Life Strategies, Life Coaching and Mentoring, Personal Development
Life has a way of testing our resolve. Sometimes more than others. It throws obstacles, setbacks and challenges in our path that can shake our confidence and make us question our purpose. At times, it may feel easier to give up, to let go of our goals, and walk away...
by fiona | Sep 9, 2024 | Personal Development
When it comes to personal development, we usually think of deep, intellectual self-help books, uplifting movies, motivational podcasts or maybe a Life Coach shouting “YOU’VE GOT THIS!” from a stage like a heavily caffeinated Tony Robbins. But today, my...