by fiona | Oct 18, 2016 | Business & Life Strategies, Life Coaching and Mentoring, Personal Development, Wealth and Success Formulae
Once upon a time I kept a time wasting diary. Wow! Was that an eye-opener. I did it as a kind of experiment to decide where my time was going as I wasn’t feeling as productive as I could potentially be. I wanted to share my experience with this here because how much...
by fiona | Apr 12, 2016 | Business & Life Strategies, Life Coaching and Mentoring, Personal Development
We all have them. They do test us all from time to time. But it’s all in how we view them that matters. Sitting here writing this I am feeling immense frustration. I’m three days behind in a task. I have really, really unstable satellite internet. And on a day...
by fiona | Apr 3, 2016 | Life Coaching and Mentoring
I know this may sound like a trick question, but hear me out. You may or may not have heard the very famous quote from Henry Ford – “whether you believe you can or cannot, either way you are right.” And it is so incredibly true. I’m a guest judge at the Motivating...
by fiona | Mar 28, 2016 | Business & Life Strategies, Life Coaching and Mentoring, Personal Development
If you’ve seen the movie “Finding Nemo” you’ll have heard this line. And personally, I absolutely love it. In fact, if you are a follower of mine on social media you will have heard me use this line maybe once or twice (probably more lol). It’s the notion of...
by fiona | Nov 4, 2015 | Business & Life Strategies, Life Coaching and Mentoring, Personal Development
I learned a very valuable lesson recently. And to be fair – I’m still learning it. I think all learning is a journey to be honest – you never fully appreciate the truth of every lesson. A few weeks ago I attended a day seminar about allowing your inner brilliance...
by fiona | Oct 28, 2015 | Business & Life Strategies, Life Coaching and Mentoring, Personal Development
Firstly, fear is common. We all feel it at some time or another. Whether it’s a fear of flying, fear of heights, fear of public speaking (which more people fear than death itself), fear of talking to people – we all have some sort of innate fear that stops or holds...