by fiona | Mar 1, 2012 | Life Coaching and Mentoring
Always finish out each day. Put together a list each night of what you want to accomplish each day. Get a spiral bound notebook and make it your day book. Write tomorrow’s date at the top. Then write down your task and put a line underneath each entry. When...
by fiona | Feb 28, 2012 | Life Coaching and Mentoring
If you work a job, there will be unending negative distractions. Good old office politics. You just found out the new guy is getting paid more than you and he is younger with less experience. Or the co-worker who does less work than you, has been there less time...
by fiona | Feb 24, 2012 | Life Coaching and Mentoring
Sometimes you just have to push through and work out a way to get the things done that you don’t necessarily feel like or want to do at any given moment. We all feel it at times – too tired, not in the mood, distracted with something else going on in our lives,...
by fiona | Feb 16, 2012 | Life Coaching and Mentoring
Whatever it is that you want to achieve in life – getting there really is simpler than you think. And I am not just talking about business either. I am talking about absolutely anything at all. Sport, music, becoming a more confident communicator, learning how to...