by fiona | May 2, 2017 | Business & Life Strategies, Personal Development
At the risk of sounding like a broken down record here, life is busier than ever for more people than ever before, is it not? People are rushing around, barely looking up from their smartphones even when crossing the street. It’s almost as though we are all...
by fiona | Apr 18, 2017 | Business & Life Strategies, Personal Development, Wealth and Success Formulae
In recent time I’ve discovered a rather alarming trend with many stay-at-home Mums. And it’s the trend of using their kids as an excuse instead of a reason. What do I mean? Well this may be you or someone in your team. They never make the webinars. They never...
by fiona | Apr 11, 2017 | Personal Development
I guess if you are my generation (Gen X) this will probably resonate with you. If you’re a bit younger, maybe not. But when you get older, you tend to become more reflective. Probably because you have more to reflect on. I realized quite recently how long I’ve...
by fiona | Feb 22, 2017 | Personal Development
I know, I know, I know!!! You’ve heard it a million times before. From your upline. From your company executives. From all manner of trainers. But do you really get it? I mean really, really understand what it means exactly? To be honest, I thought I had it...
by fiona | Oct 18, 2016 | Business & Life Strategies, Life Coaching and Mentoring, Personal Development, Wealth and Success Formulae
Once upon a time I kept a time wasting diary. Wow! Was that an eye-opener. I did it as a kind of experiment to decide where my time was going as I wasn’t feeling as productive as I could potentially be. I wanted to share my experience with this here because how much...
by fiona | Sep 13, 2016 | Business & Life Strategies, Personal Development
Now I will admit to being a lazy slacker. I have been known to sleep in until between 8 and 9am. I’ve also been known to wander around the house aimlessly until Midday. I’ve avoided making calls. I’ve put off doing stuff. But I mean, HAVEN’T WE ALL??? I think...