by fiona | Apr 27, 2016 | Business & Life Strategies, Personal Development, Wealth and Success Formulae
Sounds a bit cliché doesn’t it? “Just do what makes you happy”. But in all seriousness, it’s completely true. Did you know that the most overprescribed drug there is in the world right now is anti-depressants? Why is this? Why are so many people struggling with...
by fiona | Apr 12, 2016 | Business & Life Strategies, Life Coaching and Mentoring, Personal Development
We all have them. They do test us all from time to time. But it’s all in how we view them that matters. Sitting here writing this I am feeling immense frustration. I’m three days behind in a task. I have really, really unstable satellite internet. And on a day...
by fiona | Apr 6, 2016 | Business & Life Strategies, Personal Development, Wealth and Success Formulae
Now if you know nothing of the Law of Attraction, I’m sure you will find that title somewhat confusing. You probably think frequency in terms of radio frequency or how often you do something. Even if you do understand the principles of the Law, this may seem a little...
by fiona | Mar 28, 2016 | Business & Life Strategies, Life Coaching and Mentoring, Personal Development
If you’ve seen the movie “Finding Nemo” you’ll have heard this line. And personally, I absolutely love it. In fact, if you are a follower of mine on social media you will have heard me use this line maybe once or twice (probably more lol). It’s the notion of...
by fiona | Mar 26, 2016 | Business & Life Strategies, Personal Development
I think I’m caught on the idea of sharing quick tips at the moment, and here’s another one. So many people think that failure is bad. We are trained to believe that from a very young age. Success = good. Failure = bad. Well it all depends on how you perceive that. You...
by fiona | Jan 13, 2016 | Personal Development, Wealth and Success Formulae
Sorry if that sounds cynical, but sadly it’s true. It’s like we have been subliminally programmed to believe that if we, by the wave of some magic fairy’s wand, will achieve all of our hopes, wishes and dreams by believing that the New Year will deliver that all to...