Humour Is Essential!

Humour Is Essential!

Balance I feel is so important in all aspects of life.  Not just from a business perspective, but equally in personal life as well.  And obviously the both are inextricably linked.  There isn’t going to be much personal satisfaction if most of your time is filled with...
Is personal development just for new agies?

Is personal development just for new agies?

There is still a lot of cynicism when it comes to improving one’s self, either physically or mentally or spiritually.  People seem to mistake it for people who are having some kind of breakdown and it’s a form of therapy to ‘get them through it’.  I’m intrigued as to...
The Power of a Gratitude Rock

The Power of a Gratitude Rock

Quite recently I re-discovered my “Gratitude Rock”.  Now if you haven’t seen the fabulous movie “The Secret”, Mike Dooley explained that it’s a rock you carry around with you and every time you either touch it or think of it or look at it, you consider something that...