by fiona | Jan 11, 2021 | Business & Life Strategies, Personal Development, Wealth and Success Formulae
I’ll be honest – I screwed up! Big time. And you know what, I’m human and I do it from time to time. Didn’t really expect to do it during the first week of the year, but here we are and I am owning it publicly. I’m not going to go into details...
by fiona | Jan 4, 2021 | Business & Life Strategies, Life Coaching and Mentoring, Personal Development, Wealth and Success Formulae
We’ve all been there haven’t we? Overwhelm, stress, panic, anxiety of what didn’t get done, how little time we have, why can’t we have more hours’ in a day etc etc etc. I can promise you that all of the top leaders in your company right now have felt it at...
by fiona | Dec 31, 2020 | Business & Life Strategies, Personal Development
Well that’s a wrap! Goodbye 2020 and hello 2021. I wouldn’t say that this year has been the most challenging or difficult year of my life, but it’s been up there. In reflection, however I would attribute this year to my biggest year ever of personal...
by fiona | Dec 21, 2020 | Business & Life Strategies, Personal Development, Wealth and Success Formulae
I absolutely LOVE this time of year. And not just because it’s my birthday the day after Christmas either. LOL It’s a time to pretty much eat and drink what you want – guilt free of course. Spend time with those we love. Relax. And of course reflect on the year that...
by fiona | Nov 16, 2020 | Business & Life Strategies
Let’s be honest – being in business is absolutely not for everyone. There are many daily challenges that are presented in being in business which is quite different from working in a job (where your boss deals with most issues). Anything from customer...
by fiona | Nov 9, 2020 | Business & Life Strategies, Life Coaching and Mentoring, Personal Development, Wealth and Success Formulae
Did you realize that your physical state directly contributes to your mental state? Now this is NOT about body shaming or anything like that at all. It’s scientifically proven that your physiological state has a direct correlation to your mental and...