by fiona | Mar 12, 2019 | Uncategorised
If you’ve been around in MLM or Network Marketing for any period of time, you will have come across these people. They attend everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. They’re on all the conference calls, the zoom calls, the webinars, the live events – all of it. But...
by fiona | Mar 6, 2019 | Uncategorised
My Motivation Kept me Broke. I heard this on a training call from one of my Senior Business Associate’s recently and the more I considered this idea, the more it actually made sense. Having been involved in 4 direct selling companies in over 25 years’, I certainly...
by fiona | Feb 26, 2019 | Uncategorised
Authenticity. This is a word being bandied around the place of late and I wanted to really clarify firstly what exactly it means, but more importantly what it means to your business if you are not authentic because it can have far reaching consequences. Especially is...
by fiona | Dec 18, 2018 | Uncategorised
Thanks to the very fabulous Tracey Hall for giving me the inspiration for this blog post. You see it’s that time of year again. Christmas is coming up in exactly two weeks’. What I have noticed in all of the years I have been in Network Marketing is that people both...
by fiona | Dec 4, 2017 | Uncategorised
It’s pretty easy to get confused between having a personal brand and utilizing the company’s brand that you work with. But you see, the two are totally and completely separate things. What’s more, it is so critically important to build your own brand if you want to...
by fiona | Nov 29, 2017 | Uncategorised
We’ve all heard about it. We’ve probably all seen it in our downline. And I doubt you would be human if you didn’t experience this once or twice (or more) yourself. It’s the dreaded emotional roller coaster. So why does this all seem to affect us more so than a...